GET Survey Responses


Make sure you replace HOST in all the code snippets below with the host mentioned here.

WebEngage offers API for querying the survey responses generated via WebEngage on-site survey widget.



DESCRIPTION: Get survey response data identified by ResponseId.

URL STRUCTURE: <HOST>/v1/survey/response/<ResponseId>

AUTHENTICATION: User Authentication


curl -X GET <HOST>/v1/survey/response/<ResponseId> \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


Make sure you replace ResponseId with the survey response ID and YOUR_API_KEY with your WebEngage API key.


     "response": {
         "data": {
             "surveyId": "7djl637",
             "title": "Customer Satisfaction Survey",
             "licenseCode": "311c48b3",
             "questionResponses": [{
                 "id": "~11uth8m",
                 "questionId": "6f51d6",
                 "questionText": "Which countries you have been to?",
                 "value": {
                     "@class": "list",
                     "values": ["Mexico"]
             }, {
                 "id": "~vqxl96",
                 "questionId": "980gpa",
                 "questionText": "Rate our website",
                 "value": {
                     "@class": "matrix",
                     "values": {
                         "Experience": ["Good"],
                         "Content": ["Poor"],
                         "Design": ["Good"]
             }, {
                 "id": "~67j6bv",
                 "questionId": "2i98bsk",
                 "questionText": "Upload Product Image",
                 "value": {
                     "@class": "file",
                     "fileName": "shoes-for-men-by-tzaro.jpg",
                     "fileSize": 33731,
                     "fileAccessUrl": "<HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/survey-responses/~67j6bv/download",
                     "fileType": "jpg"
             }, {
                 "id": "~13nacf",
                 "questionId": "2l23rao",
                 "questionText": "What is your favourite color?",
                 "value": {
                     "@class": "list",
                     "values": ["Red", "Blue"]
             }, {
                 "id": "~gfaxas",
                 "questionId": "2notcms",
                 "questionText": "Your profile",
                 "value": {
                     "@class": "map",
                     "values": {
                         "Name": "jhon",
                         "Qualification": "",
                         "Age": "24"
             "customData": {
                 "customerType": ["Gold"],
                 "productCategory": ["Footwear"],
                 "jsessionid": ["CDB300FEF898236FF9E5A181E468CA6BCD"]
             "id": "1kfrn7c",
             "activity": {
                 "pageUrl": "",
                 "pageTitle": "In-site customer Feedback, targeted Surveys & push Notifications for Websites - WebEngage",
                 "ip": "",
                 "city": "Mumbai",
                 "country": "India",
                 "browser": "Chrome",
                 "browserVersion": "26",
                 "platform": "Linux",
                 "activityOn": "2013-05-08T10:34:33+0000"
         "message": "success",
         "status": "success"

The containers received in this response are described below:

  • activity: Details of the user giving survey on your website.

  • questionResponses: The responses of survey questions are in the questionResponses container.

  • id: Specifies the question response ID.

  • type: There are 5 types of questions: list, matrix, file, text and map.

  • @class: Indicates the type of question. Examples of each class are listed below.

text question response

    "id": "~gfaxas",
    "questionId": "2notcms",
    "questionText": "Your profile",
    "value": {
        "@class": "map",
        "values": {
            "Name": "jhon",
            "Qualification": "",
            "Age": "24"

list question response

Single option (radio and single-select drop-down) questions

    "id": "~11uth8m",
    "questionId": "6f51d6",
    "questionText": "Which countries you have been to?",
    "value": {
        "@class": "list",
        "values": ["Mexico"]

List of multi-option (radio and multi-select drop-down) questions

    "id": "~13nacf",
    "questionId": "2l23rao",
    "questionText": "What is your favourite color?",
    "value": {
        "@class": "list",
        "values": ["Red", "Blue"]

NPS question response

    "questionId": "16qfkqk",
    "questionText": "How likely is it that you would recommend WebEngage to a colleague?",
    "value": {
        "@class": "score",
        "value": 10

matrix question response

    "id": "~vqxl96",
    "questionId": "980gpa",
    "questionText": "Rate our website",
    "value": {
        "@class": "matrix",
        "values": {
            "Experience": ["Good"],
            "Content": ["Poor"],
            "Design": ["Good"]

file question response

    "id": "~67j6bv",
    "questionId": "2i98bsk",
    "questionText": "Upload Product Image",
    "value": {
        "@class": "file",
        "fileName": "shoes-for-men-by-tzaro.jpg",
        "fileSize": 33731,
        "fileAccessUrl": "<HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/survey-responses/~67j6bv/download",
        "fileType": "jpg"


Files can be downloaded by accessing the fileAccessUrl with your API credentials.

You can use the fileName value to save the downloaded file as illustrated below.

curl -H "Authorization: bearer your_api_token" -o shoes-for-men-by-tzaro.jpg <HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/survey-responses/~67j6bv/download

Custom Data

These are the custom data fields that are submitted along with the survey on your site.

    "customerType": ["Gold"],
    "productCategory": ["Footwear"],
    "jsessionid": ["CDB300FEF898236FF9E5A181E468CA6BCD"]

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at in case you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!