Private RSP

Private RCS Service Provider Basics

  • A private RSP is an API endpoint that you expose for WebEngage to call, that acts as a proxy between WebEngage and your actual RCS service provider.
  • WebEngage hits your Private RSP endpoint with a payload containing the phone identifiers, the message body and some other data.
  • WebEngage expects a JSON response at that instance denoting synchronous result (request success / failure).
  • WebEngage also subscribes to your Webhooks and expects later hits, passing the subsequent Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs): delivery (delivered, read or failed).

Here's how this works:

WebEngage POSTs to an API endpoint URL you provide us.

  1. A unique ID UUID will always be passed in messageId in the payload to uniquely identify RCS message.
  2. Body of the POST request will be in JSON format.
  3. Synchronous response for the message request should be passed in the predefined format shown in following step.
  4. You can configure Private RSP on WebEngage dashboard with following data:
Configuration NameName for your configurationYes
Business NumberBusiness number for sending messageYes
URLPrivate RSP API EndpointYes
Request TypeThis dropdown list contains two properties, please choose accordingly:

1. Send personalization variables - If you want to accept list of string values of template variables (in sequence) from WebEngage instead of entire generalized message
Custom HeadersIf you want to pass custom data (key-value pair in headers), you can configure Custom Headers. It can be used to pass Authorization Headers.

Note: WebEngage will put ContentType: application/json as default header in POST Request to Private RSP API. Putting Custom Headers will not override the default header.

SECTION 1: The flow of message will be as follows:

  1. WebEngage will send message to you, and you will reply synchronously to the message received with respective Status Codes given in the last section of this documentation.
  2. You will also reply back to WebEngage webhook (i.e. static endpoint which can be found on WebEngage dashboard following: Integrations > Channels > RCS > ACTIONS (RSP) > View Webhook URL. for delivery report (i.e. Delivery Status Notification (DSN)) asynchronously.

1. WebEngage RCS Request to you

As depicted in SECTION 1 point 1, WebEngage will send RCS message to you in the following given payload format and you will reply synchronously to the message with Status Codes provided in the last section of this documentation.

Key points for API request from WebEngage to you:

  1. At the time of adding configuration for your Private RSP (Request Type property), WebEngage allows you to accept parameters in the payload request from WebEngage. parameters is a map of key - value pair of template variables provided by user as per template.
    e.g. if the template is: hello {{1}}, welcome to new {{2}} and template variables i.e. {{1}} and {{2}} are john and world, then the parameters will be: {"key1":"john", "key2":"world"}.
  2. templateData provided in given below payload will only contain parameters as per your choice.
  3. The Content-Type header will always be application/json. We’ll also provide support for adding custom headers (specific to individual you) while user creates your Private RSP configuration on WebEngage dashboard.

Request format of payload for Text/ Rich Card/ Rich Carousel from WebEngage to you

	"version": "1.0",
	"rcsData": {
		"toNumber": "919999999999",
		"templateData": {
			"templateId": "template1",
			"parameters": {"key1":"john", "key2":"world"}
        "key": "a",
        "value": "b"
	"metadata": {
		"campaignType": "PROMOTIONAL",
		"timestamp": "2018-01-25T10:24:16+0000",
		"messageId": "webengage-message-id"
versionIndicates the payload contract. If there is any change in the payload structure in future, the version will be updated.
toNumberThe recipient’s phone number along with country code as prefix.
templateIdName of template used
parametersTemplate variables with the exact name and sequence as added in dashboard.
languageMessage template language supported by RCS
timestampThe time when the message was triggered from the WebEngage system. This follows the ISO date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss±hhmm.
messageIdUnique ID assigned to the message which should be used in further Delivery Status Notifications to identify a message uniquely.
customDataIn this section , you can pass extra data (in Key-value pair format from the dashboard) in the payload. This is mainly used by partners if they require some custom integrations to be done for their internal systems or for particular clients.

Example curl request with parameters and headers provided by you:

curl --location --request POST '<PRIVATE-RSP-API-END-POINT>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"version": "1.0",
	"rcsData": {
		"toNumber": "919999999999",
		"templateData": {
			"templateId": "template1",
			"parameters": {"key1":"john", "key2":"world"}
        "key": "a",
        "value": "b"
	"metadata": {
		"campaignType": "PROMOTIONAL",
		"timestamp": "2018-01-25T10:24:16+0000",
		"messageId": "webengage-message-id"

Examples for synchronous response for above payloads by you to WebEngage:

Example 1: Message Accepted Successfully

    "status" : "rcs_accepted",
    "statusCode": 0

Example 2: Message Cannot be Sent further

NOTE: If the status code is not 0, send message property too.

    "status": "rcs_rejected",
    "statusCode": 2000,
    "message": "Not enough credit to send message"

Example 3: Payload Not Acceptable

NOTE: In case there is mismatch in payload version of API contract (current is 1.0).

    "status" : "rcs_rejected",
    "statusCode" : 2010,
    "message" : "Version not supported",
    "supportedVersion" : "1.0" // Mandatory in case of statusCode 2010

2. Delivery Status Notification (DSN) by you to WebEngage

Delivery report of each message forwarded by you to WebEngage is called as Delivery Status Notification (DSN). It helps our clients to track their campaign's performance in their WebEngage dashboard.

As depicted in SECTION 1 point 2, DSNs are asynchronous updates to messages (e.g. RCS message delivered, expired, rejected etc.) that you sends to WebEngage webhook.

Key points for DSN by you to WebEngage:

  1. You are required to POST DSN i.e. RCS message sent, failed, etc. on the static endpoint which can be found on WebEngage dashboard following: Integrations > Channels > RCS > ACTIONS (RSP) > View Webhook URL.
  2. You will be provided with:
    Auth token - which needs to be included as an Authorization header in the POST request of DSNs.
    e.g. Authorization: Bearer <Auth token>. This token will remain the same and should not be shared to ensure security. In case there is a need to change the token, You should reach out to WebEngage Support to get a new token.
  3. Content-Type Header for the DSN request should be application/json.
  4. WebEngage will respond to the DSN request with an HTTP 2XX response code.

Request format of DSN payload by you to WebEngage

    "version": "1.0",
    "messageId" : "webengage-message-id",
    "toNumber": "+918888776333",
    "status": "rcs_delivered",
    "statusCode" : 0,
    "reason": "sent successfully to user",
    "timestamp": "2018-01-25T10:24:16+0000"
versionThis indicates the payload contract of the request. If there is any change in the payload structure in future, the version will be updated.
messageIdThis is the unique ID assigned to the message which is used to identify a message uniquely.

This is received by the service provider in the request body. The length of this string can be up to 500 characters. The messageId provided in DSNs must be the same as that received from WebEngage in the request. You must not modify it.
toNumberThe message recipient’s phone number along with country code as prefix.
fromNumberThe message client’s phone number along with country code as prefix.
statusThe message status being reported by this DSN. This can be either rcs_delivered,rcs_failed or rcs_read.
statusCodeStatus code of this DSN. This must be one of the status codes described below.
reasonIt is an optional field (must be given when statusCode doesn’t fulfill failed reason, or when statusCode is 9988).
timestampThe time when the message was triggered from the WebEngage system. This follows the ISO date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss±hhmm.

Example curl request of DSN with Auth token for authentication as header:

curl --location --request POST '<STATIC-DSN-END-POINT-OF-WEBENGAGE>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <AUTH-TOKEN-PROVIDED-BY-WEBENGAGE>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "version": "1.0",
    "messageId" : "webengage-message-id",
    "toNumber" : "+918833733901",
    "status": "rcs_delivered",
    "statusCode" : 0,
    "reason": "sent successfully to user",
    "timestamp": "2018-01-25T10:24:16+0000"

Status Codes

These status codes are to be used both for synchronous responses and Delivery Status Notifications. Refer to the Description column below for more details about the respective status. Make sure that you send the appropriate HTTP status corresponding to the status codes.

Status CodeDescriptionHTTP Status
0To be sent in case of success200
1000Insufficient credit balance200
1001Number is RCS Disabled200
1002Entity was not found401
1003Template code with bot doesn’t exist400
2019Credit Insufficient400
2020Message Empty403
2021Mobile Number Invalid200
2022Sender Id is Invalid413
2005Authorization failure401
2006Exceeding max length200
2009Version Unsupported200
2017Invalid Message Format429
2012DND Time400
2013Maximum Retries Exhausted400
2014Rate Limit Exceeded400
2015TTL Expired200
2016Retries Expired200
2023Template Missing200
2024Template Paramenter Format Mismatch200
2025User not Opted in or Inactive200

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at [email protected] in case you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!