Callbacks are useful for understanding the lifecycle stages of WebEngage messages. All WebEngage callbacks are called on the main thread.


Please Note

Before proceeding, please ensure that the react-native-webengage version is 1.2.2 or above.

To update the package to the latest version run the following command:

npm i react-native-webengage

Callback Configuration


Integrate the WebEngage bridge into your native code to facilitate seamless interactions between native and React Native. The following configuration is essential for handling push notifications and in-app callbacks.

Step 1: Add the below code snippet in ios/YourApp/AppDelegate.h

#import <WEGWebEngageBridge.h> // Add This
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate>
// Your code
@property (nonatomic, strong) WEGWebEngageBridge *weBridge; // Add This

Step 2: Modify WebEngage SDK initialisation by changing ios/YourApp/AppDelegate.m, as per the following code snippet.

For React-Native Version <=0.70

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Your Code
    // Initializes WebEngage Bridge
    self.weBridge = [WEGWebEngageBridge new];
    // Initialize RCTBridge with a delegate and launch options
    RCTBridge *bridge = [[RCTBridge alloc] initWithDelegate:self.weBridge launchOptions:launchOptions];
    // Initializes Push with WebEngage Bridge
    [WebEngage sharedInstance].pushNotificationDelegate = self.weBridge;
    // Initializes InApp with WebEngage Bridge
    [[WebEngage sharedInstance] application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions notificationDelegate:self.weBridge];
    return YES;

For React-Native Version >= 0.71

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Your Code
    // Initializes WebEngage Bridge
    self.weBridge = [WEGWebEngageBridge new];
    // Initializes Push with WebEngage Bridge
    [WebEngage sharedInstance].pushNotificationDelegate = self.weBridge;
    // Initializes InApp with WebEngage Bridge
    [[WebEngage sharedInstance] application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions notificationDelegate:self.weBridge]; 
    BOOL success = [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];
    return success;

Handling Multiple Push Service Providers

If you have integrated multiple push service providers in your iOS app, you need to perform an additional step to disable swizzling for WebEngage and proceed with manual integration.



No additional steps are required for using callbacks in your Android app

React Native Callbacks

Push Notification Callbacks


onClick allows you to register a callback function that is executed after an push notification is clicked by the user.

The callback handler receives one parameter:

pushNotificationData: The data Object for the received push notification

useEffect(() => {
    webengage.push.onClick(function(pushNotificationData) {
        console.log("App: push-notification clicked with deeplink: " + pushNotificationData["deeplink"]);
      	//Write your own logic to handle deeplink navigation across your application using the pushNotificationData
}, []);

In-app Message Callbacks


onPrepare allows you to register a callback function that is executed before the In-app message is shown to the user.

The callback handler receives one parameter:

notificationData: The data Object for the received in-app notification

useEffect(() => {
  webengage.notification.onPrepare(function(notificationData) {
}, []);


onShown allows you to register a callback function that is executed after an in-app notification is shown to the user.

The callback handler receives one parameter:

notificationData: The data Object for the shown in-app notification

useEffect(() => {
  webengage.notification.onShown(function(notificationData) {
}, []);


onDismiss allows you to register a callback function that is executed after an in-app notification is closed by the user.

The callback handler receives one parameter:

notificationData: The data Object for the shown in-app notification

useEffect(() => {
  webengage.notification.onDismiss(function(notificationData) {
}, []);


onClick allows you to register a callback function that is executed after an in-app notification is clicked by the user.

The callback handler receives two parameters:

notificationData: The data Object for the shown in-app notification

clickId: The String identifier for the action button

useEffect(() => {
  webengage.notification.onClick(function(notificationData, clickId) {
        console.log("App: in-app notification clicked: click-id: " + clickId + ", deep-link: " + notificationData["deepLink"]);
}, []);


Ensure that you implement WebEngage callbacks as soon as the application is mounted, ideally within the App.tsx file.

Sample Application

For further instructions, refer to our Sample Application available on Github. Additionally, you can find the following crucial files within the application:

Sample In-App Payload

Data received from in-app callbacks adheres to the below format.

  "description": null,
  "id": "173050749",
  "actions": [
      "actionEId": "~3284c402",
      "actionText": "Hello",
      "actionLink": "",
      "actionCategory": "CTA",
      "actionTarget": "_top",
      "isPrime": true,
      "type": "EXTERNAL_URL"
  "layoutId": "~483819e",
  "showTitle": true,
  "canMinimize": true,
  "layoutAttributes": {
    "exitAnimation": "FADE_OUT",
    "fullscreen": true,
    "wvHeight": 100,
    "image_url": "",
    "posX": 0,
    "animDuration": 1000,
    "type": "BLOCKING",
    "posY": 0,
    "wvWidth": 100,
    "entryAnimation": "FADE_IN"
  "title": null,
  "config": {
    "closeIconColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "hideLogo": false,
    "c2aTextColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "c2aTextFont": "Sans-Serif",
    "c2aBackgroundColor": "#4A90E2"
  "canClose": true,
  "notificationEncId": "13cjj4m",
  "direction": "ltr",
  "isActive": true

Sample Push Payload

Data received from push callbacks adheres to the below format.

  "userData": {
    "license_code": "YOUR_LICENSE",
    "rm": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><span style=\"text-decoration: line-through;\">Desc</span></body></html>",
    "packageName": "com.webengage.reactSample",
    "experimentId": "T_3hc61oq||47j478h5h3f06a_30f41227-25f6-4dc1-b3fc-f40b47fa6e48#1:1714745756912",
    "messageAction": "NOTIFICATION",
    "bckColor": "",
    "cta": null,
    "expandableDetails": {
      "style": "BIG_PICTURE",
      "ratingScale": 5,
      "message": "Desc",
      "image": ""
    "timeToLive": 0,
    "identifier": "~5bl1mio",
    "priority": null,
    "title": "Title!",
    "childExperimentMetaData": null,
    "message": "Desc",
    "custom": [
        "key": "provider",
        "value": "FCM"
    "customEventData": null,
    "rt": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><strong>Title!</strong></body></html>",
    "image": null
  "deeplink": null,
  "provider": "FCM"

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at in case you have any further queries or feedback. We're always just an email away!