Xiaomi Push Integration
Mi Push service outside Mainland China has been shut down by Xiaomi from 12:00 AM on April 2, 2024. Upon that time, you will no longer be able to use the Mi Push service.
Before getting started with Mi Push SDK integration, kindly make sure to:
- Integrate Mi Push SDK v5.0.6 or above
- Integrate WebEngage core Android SDK v.4.2.0 or above
Create Xiaomi Account
Kindly follow the below steps to create your Xiaomi account:
Step 1: Register as a Xiaomi developer by logging onto the Xiaomi Developer Account.
Step 2: Click on Create App and enter the required details.
Step 3: After the App is created, click on the App Name to find the *Package Name and App Secret and configure the same on your dashboard by following the steps mentioned in this
Integrating Xiaomi Push SDK in Android Studio Project
Step 1: Login to your Xiaomi Account and download the Xiaomi Android SDK.
Step 2: Integrate the latest MiPush_SDK_Client
file into your Android Studio Project.
Step 3: Add the following code inside the AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" /><!-- the following 2 yourpackage should be changed to your
package name -->
android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="yourpackage.permission.MIPUSH_RECEIVE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
android:process=":pushservice" />
android:process=":pushservice" /><!--NoteThis service must be added to the version 3.0.1 or
laterincluding version 3.0.1-->
android:exported="true" />
android:enabled="true" /><!--Notethis service must be added to version 2.2.5 or later
includes version 2.2.5-->
<action android:name="android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<action android:name="com.xiaomi.push.PING_TIMER" />
Receive messages
Kindly implement a BroadcastReceiver inherited from PushMessageReceiver
and implement all required methods in it: onReceivePassThroughMessage
, onCommandResult
, and then register your receiver in the AndroidManifest.xml file
. Method onReceivePassThroughMessage
is used to receive transparent messages sent by the server.
To pass the received push payload to WebEngage SDK, add the following code inside onReceivePassThroughMessage
of your receiver class.
public void onReceivePassThroughMessage(Context context, MiPushMessage miPushMessage) {
super.onReceivePassThroughMessage(context, miPushMessage);
String content = miPushMessage.getContent();
override fun onReceivePassThroughMessage(context: Context?, miPushMessage: MiPushMessage) {
super.onReceivePassThroughMessage(context, miPushMessage)
val content = miPushMessage.content
Pass the Push Token and Region to WebEngage
Kindly add the following code inside the MIPushReceiver onCommandResult
public void onCommandResult(Context context, MiPushCommandMessage message) {
super.onCommandResult(context, message);
String command = message.getCommand();
List<String> arguments = message.getCommandArguments();
String cmdArg1 = ((arguments != null && arguments.size() > 0) ? arguments.get(0) : null);
String cmdArg2 = ((arguments != null && arguments.size() > 1) ? arguments.get(1) : null);
if (MiPushClient.COMMAND_REGISTER.equals(command)) {
if (message.getResultCode() == ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
String region = MiPushClient.getAppRegion(context);
WebEngage.get().setXiaomiRegistrationID(MiPushClient.getRegId(context), region);
override fun onCommandResult(context: Context?, message: MiPushCommandMessage) {
super.onCommandResult(context, message)
val command = message.command
val arguments = message.commandArguments
val cmdArg1 = if (arguments != null && arguments.size > 0) arguments[0] else null
val cmdArg2 = if (arguments != null && arguments.size > 1) arguments[1] else null
if (MiPushClient.COMMAND_REGISTER == command) {
if (message.resultCode == ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
val region = MiPushClient.getAppRegion(context)
WebEngage.get().setXiaomiRegistrationID(MiPushClient.getRegId(context), region)
Example of BroadcastReceiver: MIPushReceiver
public class MIPushReceiver extends PushMessageReceiver {
public void onReceivePassThroughMessage(Context context, MiPushMessage miPushMessage) {
super.onReceivePassThroughMessage(context, miPushMessage);
String content = miPushMessage.getContent();
public void onCommandResult(Context context, MiPushCommandMessage message) {
super.onCommandResult(context, message);
String command = message.getCommand();
List<String> arguments = message.getCommandArguments();
String cmdArg1 = ((arguments != null && arguments.size() > 0) ? arguments.get(0) : null);
String cmdArg2 = ((arguments != null && arguments.size() > 1) ? arguments.get(1) : null);
if (MiPushClient.COMMAND_REGISTER.equals(command)) {
if (message.getResultCode() == ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
String region = MiPushClient.getAppRegion(context);
WebEngage.get().setXiaomiRegistrationID(MiPushClient.getRegId(context), region);
class MIPushReceiver : PushMessageReceiver() {
override fun onReceivePassThroughMessage(context: Context?, miPushMessage: MiPushMessage) {
super.onReceivePassThroughMessage(context, miPushMessage)
val content = miPushMessage.content
override fun onCommandResult(context: Context?, message: MiPushCommandMessage) {
super.onCommandResult(context, message)
val command = message.command
val arguments = message.commandArguments
val cmdArg1 = if (arguments != null && arguments.size > 0) arguments[0] else null
val cmdArg2 = if (arguments != null && arguments.size > 1) arguments[1] else null
if (MiPushClient.COMMAND_REGISTER == command) {
if (message.resultCode == ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
val region = MiPushClient.getAppRegion(context)
WebEngage.get().setXiaomiRegistrationID(MiPushClient.getRegId(context), region)
In the application file, add the following code to initialize MI Code.
Please Note: For few devices, we have found that MI SDK throws an error asking the app to register a region first for MI SDK. During our testing, we have found that this region set does not decide the token region.
However, to avoid the error, we suggest you to set the default region to either Global or India based on your app geography.
MiPushClient.setRegion(Region.Global); //Set default region to Global or India
//Register for MI Push
MiPushClient.registerPush(this, Constants.MI_APP_ID, Constants.MI_APP_KEY);
Updated 7 months ago