Getting Started

1. Installation

The easiest way to use WebEngage in your Android project is with Maven. WebEngage Android SDK is hosted on mavenCentral Maven repository.

Add dependencies of WebEngage in the app/build.gradle file.

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.webengage:android-sdk:4.+'


Please Note

After application build, WebEngage SDK size is around 345kB if minifyEnabled is set to false. The size will be less than 200kB if minifyEnabled is set to true.

2. Initialization

Step 1: Import WebEngage packages in your Application class.


Step 2: Initialize WebEngage SDK with your license code from onCreate callback of your Application class as shown below.

public void onCreate() {
  WebEngageConfig webEngageConfig = new WebEngageConfig.Builder()
              .setDebugMode(true) // only in development mode
  registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new WebEngageActivityLifeCycleCallbacks(this, webEngageConfig));

override fun onCreate() {
        val webEngageConfig = WebEngageConfig.Builder()
            .setDebugMode(true) // only in development mode

Please replace YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE with your WebEngage license code in the code snippets provided above.


Locating your WebEngage license code

As shown above, navigate to the Account Setup section to find your license code.

  • Your License Code might start with tilde (~).
  • It is the value of manifest key:

Step 3: Add meta-data under in the AndroidManifest.xml file


IMPORTANT: Identifying Your Data Center

  • If your WebEngage dashboard URL starts with, then it means you're using our Global Data Center. (All data is stored here by default).

  • If you have specifically asked for your data to be stored in our India Data Center in your contract with WebEngage, then your dashboard url will start with

  • If you have specifically asked for your data to be stored in our Saudi Arabia Data Center in your contract with WebEngage, then your dashboard url will start with

Thus, depending on your data center, add the appropriate meta-data under the application tag of your AndroidManifest.xml file:

Data CenterMeta Data Tag
Global (US)<meta-data android:name="" android:value="us" />
India<meta-data android:name="" android:value="in" />
Saudi Arabia<meta-data android:name="" android:value="ksa" />


Please Note

  1. If you support Android API level less than 14 then use alternative initialization instead of the above approach.

  2. If you have multiple apps, you can use the same license code for integrating all of them.

Step 4: Disable automatic backup inside the application tag in your AndroidManifest.xml file.


If your application needs allowBackup to be set as true, then follow the steps below:

a. Create backup rules inside res/xml folder (res/xml/my_backup_rules.xml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="webengage_prefs.txt.xml" />
        <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="webengage_volatile_prefs.txt.xml" />
        <exclude domain="database" path="event_data.db" />
        <exclude domain="database" path="http_data.db" />
        <exclude domain="database" path="user_data.db" />
        <exclude domain="file" path="we_http_cache" />

b. Add backup file inside application tag in your AndroidManifest.xml


3. Attribution Tracking

Add the following Google Install referrer library in your app/build.gradle file (ensure that the SDK version being used is >= 3.16.0):

dependencies {
  implementation ''


Please Note

App Installed event and First Acquisition Details data in user profile will not be tracked on your Android app unless you follow the above step.

4. Additional steps (Optional)

If you are using WebViews in your Android app, check out WebEngage JavaScript bridge.

For other integration options such as location tracking, please refer to the Advanced section.

Session Lifecycle

WebEngage SDK automatically starts tracking user data (e.g., device model, OS version, device IDs) and engagement with the basic setup above. This data is stored on the device and is periodically uploaded in batches to reduce network and power usage, and to increase the likelihood of successful uploads. The upload cycle is based on the number of datapoints in local database and last synced time. This local database size is capped and is deleted as soon as it is successfully uploaded. WebEngage allows you to change this upload behavior during runtime, so that you can make events sync faster to WebEngage if available network connectivity is good.

WebEngage SDK also starts tracking user sessions with this basic setup. Upon app backgrounding, the SDK marks the current time. If the user returns to the app after more than 15 seconds since the user had last backgrounded the app, the SDK will close the previous session. If the user foregrounds the app within 15 seconds of the previous backgrounding, the previous session is resumed as if the user did not leave the app at all. Also, if the user force kills the app and launches it again after being force killed (irrespective of the time gap between force kill and launch), the SDK will close the previous session upon force-kill and start a new session upon app launch.

Configuring Session Timeout limit


Configure Session timeout limit

Session inactivity time limit can be configured upto 60 min. To configure this time kindly update to SDK v3.19.2 post which you can either reach out to us on or you can follow the steps mentioned below.

Note: This capability is currently supported for Native - Android and iOS, React native and Flutter.

To update your session timeout limit, kindly update your Android SDK to v3.19.2 or above and follow the steps below:

WebEngageConfig webEngageConfig = new WebEngageConfig.Builder()
              .setDebugMode(true) // only in development mode
              .setSessionDestroyTime(40) //Value to be set in seconds
val webEngageConfig: WebEngageConfig = WebEngageConfig.Builder()
            .setDebugMode(true) // only in development mode
            .setSessionDestroyTime(40) //Value to be set in seconds



You have now successfully integrated the WebEngage SDK with your Android app and are sending user session and system events data to your dashboard. Please note that it may take up to a few minutes for your data to reflect on the dashboard.

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at in case you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!

Advertising ID tracking


Please Note

Adding the Google Play Service Ads dependency is optional. Use it only if you have integrations enabled with other attribution partners. Kindly, upgrade to the latest WebEngage version to enable proper tracking of GAID on Android 13 devices and above. Check out this section for changes in Advertising ID in Android 13 and above.

For tracking the Google Advertising ID, add a dependency of Google Play Service Ads in your app/build.gradle file.

dependencies {
  implementation ''

Add your AdMob app ID to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file as follows: You can find or generate your AdMob ID here


Once above steps have been implemented, WebEngage will start tracking the advertising ID.

Tracking Advertising ID for selected users

WebEngage tracks the advertising ID for all users. If you want to track the Advertising ID for selective users, follow below steps.

In the WebEngage Config Builder, disable auto GAID tracking by using .setAutoGAIDTracking(false) as follows.

WebEngageConfig.Builder builder = new WebEngageConfig.Builder()
val builder: WebEngageConfig.Builder = WebEngageConfig.Builder()

You can then enable the advertisement ID tracking for any user by using below code.



Please Note

This is supported from WebEngage SDK v4.4.3.

After the user logs out, the GAID tracking will be disabled for the new user by default. You need to call the startGAIDTracking() function for the new user again.

Once enabled, for the given user, the advertising ID will be tracked for the device till the user calls the logout function.

Google Advertisement ID changes (Android 13 and above)

In late 2021, Google announced updates to Google Play service policies in relation to collecting Android Advertising ID. Read here to more about the changes.

Due to these changes, to access the device's Advertising ID, apps targeting Android 13 (API 33) and higher will need to declare a regular Google Play services permission in their manifest file.

The permission is granted at installation time because it is not a run-time authorization.

SDK changes

The AD ID permission is now declared in the SDK's AndroidManifest.xml as of WebEngage Android SDK V3.21.0. The SDK's manifest automatically combines with your app's manifest when the app is developed, adding the permission even if the app doesn't explicitly declare it. There won't be a collision if the permission is present in both the app and the SDK.

<manifest ...>
    <!-- Required only if your app targets Android 13 or higher. -->
    <uses-permission android:name=""/>

    <application ...>

Kids Apps: According to Google’s Policy, apps that target children must not transmit the Advertising ID. If you're building an app for kids and you are using SDK V3.21.0 and above, you must revoke the AD_ID permission.

<uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove"/>

Impact on Hybrid SDKs (React, Cordova, Flutter. etc.)

Refer these React, Cordova and Flutter documents to make your apps compatible with Android 13 Advertising ID policy changes.

So, what's next?

We recommend that you implement the following integrations before releasing your app for the first time with WebEngage.