App In-line Content
Supported from React Native SDK v1.3.0
App In-line Content allows you to insert content directly into your app's screen without disturbing the user experience. It also allows you to dynamically update your app's content and run relevant and contextual campaigns.
You may use the In-line content to change areas of your app or show banner ads based on live triggers and segmentation.
This capability is provided in WebEngage Personalization SDK, a child SDK that handles Inline campaigns.
Step 1: Integrate the WebEngage SDK by following the steps mentioned in this doc.
Step 2: Install the react-native-we-personalization
library in your project using either npm or yarn:
npm i react-native-we-personalization --save
yarn add react-native-we-personalization
Link Dependency
Use this command to automatically link the WebEngage dependency to your project.
react-native link react-native-we-personalization
You can manually link the library by following these steps.
Linking WebEngage React Native library manually
- Include the WebEngage React Native directory in your Android project. To do this, add the below snippet in
include ':react-native-we-personalization'
project(':react-native-we-personalization').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-we-personalization/android d
- Add React Native dependency in
dependencies {
implementation project(':react-native-we-personalization')
- Create a new object of WebEngage package in
import com.webengagepersonalization.WEPersonalizationPackage;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
... ,
new WEPersonalizationPackage()
Open your iOS folder in Xcode.
- Drag and drop
into the Libraries folder of your project in Xcode. Check Step 1 here for detailed instructions. - Drag and drop the
product inWePersonalization.xcodeproj
into your project's target's Link Binary With Libraries section. Check Step 2 here for detailed instructions. - Under Build Settings, add a Header Search Path pointing to
. Check Step 3 here for detailed instructions.
Screen Tracking
Screen tracking is crucial for ensuring the proper functioning of App-Inline, as the inline views are dependent on the screen name.
accepts two parameters: Screen Name (String
) and Screen Data (Object
). You can call webengage.screen
with either both screen name and screen data as parameters or only the screen name.
import WebEngage from 'react-native-webengage';
var webengage = new WebEngage();
webengage.screen("Purchase Screen", {
"productId": "~hs7674",
"price" : 1200
Mandatory step
Before adding the
widget to screens, please follow the Screen Tracking documentation.
Step 4: To display the app-inline content, add the WEInlineWidget
component to the desired location in your application
import { WEInlineWidget } from 'react-native-we-personalization';
The above code snippet demonstrates the usage of the WEInlineWidget
component to display a view within your app. The following props are used:
Key | Type | Definition |
style | Style Object | Defines the styling for the inline view. |
screenName | String | Refers to the current screen name of the view |
androidPropertyId | String | Refers to the unique ID of the inline view, which corresponds to a property in the WebEngage dashboard for Android. This ID should be unique for each screen. |
iosPropertyId | Integer | Refers to the unique ID of the inline view, which corresponds to a property in the WebEngage dashboard for iOS. This ID should be unique for each screen. |
onDataReceived | Callback | This callback is triggered when the rule is passed before rendering the UI. |
onRendered | Callback | This callback is triggered immediately after the UI is rendered. |
onPlaceholderException | Callback | This callback is triggered in case of any exception that occurs while fulfilling the campaign. |
WECampaignCallback: Campaign callbacks
Callbacks can be registered globally in the App.js class or locally in the individual screens. This will be triggered throughout the component’s lifecycle.
Add below snippet in your code:
import { registerWEPlaceholderCallback } from 'react-native-we-personalization';
React.useEffect(() => {
const WECampaignCallback = {
}, []);
We create an object named WECampaignCallback
with four callback methods, namely onCampaignPrepared
, onCampaignShown
, onCampaignClicked
, and onCampaignException
These callbacks are passed to the registerWECampaignCallback()
method, which will be registered for the WECampaigns
Params | Type | Definition |
onCampaignPrepared | Callback | Triggered when data for the qualified campaign is retrieved from the WebEngage servers |
onCampaignShown | Callback | When the SDK displays the Campaign on the screen, this callback is triggered. This will only be triggered for Banner and Text templates, not Custom templates. |
onCampaignClicked | Callback | Triggered when clicked on the campaign view that is rendered by the SDK. This will only be triggered for Banner and Text templates, not Custom templates. |
onCampaignException | Callback | This callback will get triggered when the campaign retrieval/showing will get failed. |
By using these callbacks, you can effectively handle and manage the WECampaigns in your React application.
Please Note
Callbacks will be available unless the component is unmounted and is deregistered from the campaign callbacks.
To ensure proper cleanup, you should always call deregisterWECampaignCallback
() when the component is being unmounted. This can be done using the componentWillUnmount
() lifecycle method or the useEffect
() hook with a cleanup function.
import { deregisterWECampaignCallback } from 'react-native-we-personalization';
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
At Last your WECampaignCallbacks.js
file will look like below
import React from 'react'
import { View } from 'react-native'
import WebEngage from 'react-native-webengage';
import { registerWECampaignCallback, deregisterWECampaignCallback } from 'react-native-we-personalization';
function WECampaignCallbacks() {
var webengage = new WebEngage();
React.useEffect(() => {
const WECampaignCallback = {
return () => {
}, []);
const onCampaignPrepared = (weCampaignData) => {
console.log('onCampaignPrepared ', weCampaignData);
const onCampaignShown = (weCampaignData) => {
console.log('onCampaignShown ', weCampaignData);
const onCampaignException = (weCampaignData) => {
console.log('onCampaignException ', weCampaignData);
return (
<Text> Registering for WECampaignCallbacks</Text>
export default WECampaignCallbacks;
You will receive exception details in onCampaignException
of WECampaignCallback & onPlaceholderException
of WEPlaceholderCallback
Types of Exception:
Error Key | Error Description |
timeout | Campaign failed to render in set time. |
missingTargetView | Target property missing. |
campaignFetchingFailed | Campaign fetching failed. |
resourceFetchingFailed | Resource fetching falied |
You can access the Campaign Id and Placeholder details like name (id) and content. It consists of the following members
Name | Variable type | Definition |
targetViewId | String | Placeholder name (id). |
content | Object | Campaign view content which contains custom key-value pairs. |
campaignId | String | The id for the running campaign on the placeholder. Default value would be blank. |
Personalization SDK renders the Banner, Text view through this data. You can access the custom key-value pairs through this.
Name | Variable type | Definition |
customData | Object | Custom key-value pairs defined for the campaign. |
Creating Custom Views
WEPlaceholderCallback: Placeholder Callbacks
To implement WEGInlineWidget without view i.e Custom View
Register for the callback inside the component, you can add the following code either in the useEffect() or componentDidMount() method, or anywhere else that is appropriate:
import { registerWEPlaceholderCallback, deregisterWEPlaceholderCallback } from 'react-native-we-personalization';
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
This code will register the specified placeholder callback for the given androidPropertyId/iOSPropertyId and screenName, allowing you to receive notifications when custom data is received for the placeholder and when an exception occurs.
By registering for these callbacks, you can effectively manage and handle the placeholders in your screen. You can use these callbacks to update the UI with custom data, perform custom actions or handle errors and exceptions.
Params | Type | Definition |
screenName | String | Refers to the current screen name of the view |
androidPropertyId | String | Refers to the unique ID of the inline view, which corresponds to a property in the WebEngage dashboard for Android. This ID should be unique for each screen. |
iosPropertyId | Integer | Refers to the unique ID of the inline view, which corresponds to a property in the WebEngage dashboard for iOS. This ID should be unique for each screen. |
onDataReceived | Callback | This callback is triggered when the rule is passed before rendering the UI. |
onPlaceholderException | Callback | This callback is triggered in case of any exception that occurs while fulfilling the campaign. |
Tracking Campaign Impressions and Clicked Events for Custom Views
Please Note
Tracking impression and tracking clicks are mandatory steps for Custom View campaigns. If not added then impression and click data for these campaigns will not be recorded.
Record Viewed Impression
Impression tracking is simply tracking the number of views each campaign receives.
For example, if a user visits the screen and sees a campaign and visits the screen again then they will see the exact same campaign again, two impressions would be counted.
To track impressions for your campaign, use the trackImpression()
method once the custom view has been shown on the screen by the application. This impression should be called only after onDataReceived
is triggered for the customView
import { trackImpression } from 'react-native-we-personalization';
//attributes: object data
trackImpression(propertyId, objectData);
In the code given above
- propertyId of the CustomView for which track impression needs to be fired.
- objectData if any attributes to be tracked otherwise it can be null.
Record Clicked Impression
You can track click impressions whenever the user clicks on the campaign view on the screen. This impression should be called only after onDataReceived
is triggered for the customView from registerWECampaignCallback
import { trackImpression } from 'react-native-we-personalization';
//attributes: objectData
trackClick(propertyId, objectData)
Updated 10 months ago