GDPR Compliance API

How you can honor your users' GDPR related requests through WebEngage's Rest APIs

WebEngage provides APIs which enable you to comply with the GDPR requests of your users. Using these APIs, you can perform the following actions:

  1. Request to export user data, erase user data, restrict data processing or re-enable processing of user data.

  2. Retrieve the status of a particular GDPR request.

  3. Cancel a particular GDPR request in case it is in the Pending state.

POST: /opengdpr_requests


DESCRIPTION: Export user data, erase user data, restrict data processing or re-enable processing of user data.

URL STRUCTURE: <HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/opengdpr_requests

AUTHENTICATION: User Authentication



Default rate limit for GDPR API is 100 per minute.


curl -X POST <HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/opengdpr_requests \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{


Please ensure that you:


ParameterTypeDescriptionIs mandatory
subject_request_idStringThis should be a unique ID for each request.Yes
subject_request_typeStringThis can be one of the following values:
erasure: If requesting to delete the user profile.
restriction: If requesting to restrict the processing of the user profile.
re-enable: If requesting to re-enable the processing of the user profile.
portability: If requesting to export the user profile.
subject_identitiesArrayRequest for only one user can be placed per API call. This array accepts only one value: User ID of known users which can be found on the user profile page.Yes



  • Erasure CANNOT be undone. It will PERMANENTLY remove users which may cause discrepancies in your data. Data will be permanently deleted within 30 days of the original request.

  • If you delete a user by mistake, you can cancel the request within 7 days (the request remains in Pending state for these 7 days).


201 Created

	"message": "erasure request registered"

In case the subject_request_type is portability, the user's profile is embedded in the response body.


  • 400 Bad request: If the JSON body is of incorrect format, the subject_request_id is not unique or if the identity_value in the request is not a known user's ID.

  • 500 Server error: Unforeseen service issues.

GET: /opengdpr_requests/{requestId}


DESCRIPTION: Retrieve the status of a particular GDPR request.


AUTHENTICATION: User Authentication


curl -X GET <HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/opengdpr_requests/{requestId} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


Please ensure that you:


200 OK

	"status": "PENDING"

status can be one of PENDING, PROCESSING, DONE or CANCELLED.


  • 404 Not Found: GDPR request not found.

  • 500 Server error: Unforeseen service issues.

DELETE: /opengdpr_requests/{requestId}


DESCRIPTION: Cancel a particular GDPR request. Request can only be cancelled if it is in the Pending state.

URL STRUCTURE: <HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/opengdpr_requests/{requestId}

AUTHENTICATION: User Authentication


curl -X DELETE <HOST>/v1/accounts/<YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE>/opengdpr_requests/{requestId} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


Please ensure that you:


200 OK

	"message": "request cancelled"

If the request is already completed, the response body will convey that with appropriate message.


  • 400 Bad request: If the request status is not Pending.

  • 404 Not Found: GDPR request not found.

  • 500 Server error: Unforeseen service issues.

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at in case you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!