Bulk User/ Event API
When you have a record of thousands of data then, parsing data one by one can be time-consuming. Hence, Bulk APIs are used to process a large amount of data in batches, reducing the time and cost involved.
To know more about how WebEngage tracks users and events, kindly refer to Tracking Users and Tracking Events documentation.
Sending Bulk Users
Content-Type: application/json
Find your WebEngage License Code and API Key
"users": [
"userId": "johndoe",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"birthDate": "1986-08-19T15:45:00-0800",
"gender": "male",
"email": "john@doe.com",
"phone": "+551155256325",
"company": "Alphabet Inc.",
"attributes": {
"Age": "31",
"Twitter username": "@origjohndoe86",
"Dollars spent": 461.93,
"Points earned": 78732
"userId": "johndoe",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"birthDate": "1986-08-19T15:45:00-0800",
"gender": "male",
"email": "john@doe.com",
"phone": "+551155256325",
"company": "Alphabet Inc.",
"attributes": {
"Age": "31",
"Twitter username": "@origjohndoe86",
"Dollars spent": 461.93,
"Points earned": 78732
Here's a list of all the parameters that can be updated through the API:
Parameter | Type | Description | Is mandatory |
userId | String | Identifier for known user. Either one of userId or anonymousId is mandatory.User ID or Anonymous ID can be found on the respective user's profile screen on WebEngage dashboard. Constraint: - userId can be of maximum 100 characters. | No |
anonymousId | String | Identifier for anonymous user. Either one of userId or anonymousId is mandatory. In case both IDs are sent, anonymousId will be ignored.User ID or Anonymous ID can be found on the respective user's profile screen on WebEngage dashboard. Constraint: - anonymousId can be of maximum 100 characters. | No |
firstName | String | First name of the user. | No |
lastName | String | Last name of the user. | No |
birthDate | String | Birth date of the user in ISO format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss±hhmm . | No |
gender | String | Gender of the user. Can be one of male , female or other . | No |
email | String | Email address of the user. | No |
phone | String | Phone number of the user.phone must be in E.164 format, eg. +551155256325, +917850009678. | |
emailOptIn | Boolean | Email subscription preference of the user. Users who are opted out of this will not receive any communication over email. Users are by default opted in to email. | No |
smsOptIn | Boolean | SMS subscription preference the user. Users who are opted out of this will not receive any communication over SMS. Users are by default opted in to SMS. | No |
whatsappOptIn | Boolean | WhatsApp subscription preference of the user. Users who are opted out of this will not receive any communication over WhatsApp. The WhatsApp opt-in is false by default and you need to explicitly set it to true once you have received the opt-in permission from the user. | No |
company | String | Name of the company the user works for. | No |
hashedEmail | String | Encrypted email address for use with a private Email Service Provider. | No |
hashedPhone | String | Encrypted phone number for use with a private SMS Service Provider. | No |
attributes | Object | Custom attributes of the user as key-value pairs. For example:{ "isPaidUser": true, "userPlan": "Premium" } These data types are allowed for custom attributes: String , Number , Boolean , Date , JSON Array JSON Object . JSON Object can contain one of these data types. | No |
"response": {
"status": "queued"
Sending Bulk Events
Content-Type: application/json
"events": [
"userId": "johndoe",
"eventName": "Added to Cart",
"eventTime": "2018-09-15T18:29:00-0800",
"eventData": {
"Product ID": 1337,
"Price": 39.8,
"Quantity": 1,
"Product": "Givenchy Pour Homme Cologne",
"Category": "Fragrance",
"Currency": "USD"
"userId": "johndoe",
"eventName": "Added to Cart",
"eventTime": "2018-09-15T18:29:00-0800",
"eventData": {
"Product ID": 1337,
"Price": 39.8,
"Quantity": 1,
"Product": "Givenchy Pour Homme Cologne",
"Category": "Fragrance",
"Currency": "USD"
Here's a list of all the parameters that can be updated through the API:
Parameter | Type | Description | Is mandatory |
userId | String | Identifier for known user. Either one of userId or anonymousId is mandatory.User ID or Anonymous ID can be found on the respective user's profile screen on WebEngage dashboard. Constraint: - userId can be of maximum 100 characters. | No |
anonymousId | String | Identifier for anonymous user. Either one of userId or anonymousId is mandatory. In case both IDs are sent, anonymousId will be ignored.User ID or Anonymous ID can be found on the respective user's profile screen on WebEngage dashboard. Constraint: - anonymousId can be of maximum 100 characters. | No |
eventName | String | Name of the event. | Yes |
eventTime | String | Date and time when the event occurred in ISO format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss±hhmm . | No |
eventData | String | Event attributes as key-value pairs. For example:{ "Product ID": 1337, "Category": "Fragrance" } These data types are allowed for custom attributes: String , Number , Boolean , Date , JSON Array , JSON Object . JSON Object can contain one of these data types. | No |
"response": {
"status": "queued"
Rate Limiting
To prevent abuse and ensure fair usage, the Bulk Event Creation and Update API have a limit of 25 users/events per API call and the rate limit is 500 requests per minute.
List of API error status codes.
Please feel free to drop in a few lines at support@webengage.com or get in touch with your Onboarding Manager if you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!
Updated 12 months ago