Flutter SDK

Changelogs 2024

SDK v1.4.2 (April 17, 2024)

  • The license file has been updated.
  • Deprecated code has been removed

Changelogs 2023

SDK v1.3.0 (Dec 29, 2023)

  • Viber channel dependencies added.
  • GAID changes to support for Google Families Policy restriction where advertising ID cannot be tracked for users of unknown age and children.

SDK v1.2.4 (April 26, 2023)

  • Optimizations to support Isolate plugin.

SDK v1.2.3 (Mar 24, 2023)

  • App In-line Content support added

SDK v1.2.2 (Mar 14, 2023)

  • Single instance changes of the plugin

Changelogs 2022

SDK v1.2.1 (Oct 21, 2022)

  • Removal of JCenter
  • Push call back improvements

SDK v1.2.0 (Sept 20, 2022)

Support added for:

  • iOS XCFramework
  • Anonymous id callback

SDK v1.1.0 (Aug 19, 2022)

Changes with respect to Android 13 update:

  • Changes in relation to collecting Advertisement ID
  • Collecting Push opt-ins in run time through push permission pop-up

Changelogs 2021

SDK v1.0.3 (Aug 10, 2021)

  • Support for Flutter 2.2 (Null Safety)

SDK v1.0.2 (Feb 19, 2021)

  • Improvements for handling Push callbacks in killed state
  • Support for universal links (iOS)

Changelogs 2020

SDK v1.0.1 (Nov 09, 2020)

  • Fixes and README.md updates

SDK v1.0.0 (Nov 09, 2020)