Follow the below steps to configure RouteMobile as your SMS Service Provider (SSP).

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As shown above:
Step 1: Select SSP
Select RouteMobile from the List of Available SSPs. In doing so, you will be prompted by a configuration modal.
Step 2: Name your Configuration
Please add a user-friendly name that enables you to identify the right SSP for a campaign while creating it. This comes in handy especially, when you have multiple accounts with the same SSP for sending different types of campaigns.
For example, if you have chosen to use RouteMobile for sending both Transactional and Promotional campaigns, then we recommend that you indicate the same by naming the configuration something like:
- RouteMobile Global a/c
- RouteMobile (all campaigns)
Step 3: Add Username & Password
Navigate to your RouteMobile dashboard to find and copy your account details. Paste them in the configuration modal to connect your account with WebEngage.
Step 4: Add Principal Entity ID
(Applicable only if you are sending messages to users located in India via domestic messaging pipeline. International messaging routes remain unaffected.)
As per TRAI's latest SMS Marketing regulations for India, you must be registered on a DLT portal as a business entity. Once registered, a unique Principle Entity ID (PE ID) will be assigned to you.
W.e.f from Nov 19, 2020, it is mandatory for all SSPs to pass a PE ID in the payload of each SMS message being sent to Indian phone numbers. We have partnered with RouteMobile to make this a seamless process for you.
Add your PE ID during configuration - we will ensure that it is relayed to the SSP for each SMS sent to your users.
Step 5: Add Custom Headers
Please get in touch with your relationship manager at RouteMobile if these authentication headers aren't readily available in your RouteMobile dashboard.
Step 6: Add SSP
Click on Add SSP, and you're good to go!
You've now successfully integrated RouteMobile with your WebEngage dashboard.
You can test the integration by creating a test SMS campaign and sending it to a group of internal users (aka your teammates).
Please feel free to drop in a few lines at in you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!
Updated about 3 years ago