
Xamarin.iOS exposes the complete iOS SDK for .NET developers. It enables you to build fully native iOS apps using C# or F#.

Here's how you can integrate the WebEngage SDK with your Xamarin.iOS app:

1. Installation

Step 1: Download WebEngage Xamarin.iOS Library.

Step 2: To consume this downloaded .DLL in your Xamarin.iOS app, you must add a reference to your Xamarin.iOS project by right-clicking on the References node of your project and selecting Add Reference.

2. Initialization

Step 1: Add the following properties to the Info.plist file of your project.

WEGLicenseCodeStringYour WebEngage license codeMandatory

If you have multiple apps, then you can use the same license code for all of them.
UIBackgroundModesArrayfetch, locationOptional

Required only if you want to track location updates in background.
WEGEnableLocationAuthorizationRequestStringALWAYS / IN_USE / NOOptional

Enables WebEngage SDK to request user to authorize for location on behalf of the app. If this is absent or the value is anything other than
ALWAYS or IN_USE, WebEngage SDK would not make any authorization request on behalf of the app. It will track location updates only if the app itself has sought relevant permissions from the user.
NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescriptionStringApp specific descriptionMandatory if:
The app makes authorization request to always use location, or
Value of WEGEnableLocationAuthorizationRequest is ALWAYS.
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescriptionStringApp specific descriptionMandatory if:
The app makes authorization request to use location when the app is in use, or
Value of WEGEnableLocationAuthorizationRequest is IN_USE.
WEGLogLevelStringDEFAULT / VERBOSEOptional

Available from SDK version 3.2. In VERBOSE mode, you get detailed SDK logs. VERBOSE mode logs are a superset of DEFAULT mode logs.
WEGEnvironmentStringDEFAULT / inOptional

If you're specifically using our India data center to store/access your data, please ensure that you specify in as the value for WEGEnvironment
WEGAlternateAppSupportBooleanYES / NOOptional

WebEngage supports running multiple apps within the same License Code.
Ensure that you are using Auth Keys instead of APNS Certificates for Push Notifications.
To enable Multi App Support, in app's Info.plist file, enter WEGAlternateAppSupport key as Boolean type & set it to YES.

Please note that this should not be used for Staging & Production builds of the same app.

Step 2: Initialize WebEngage SDK with your license code from FinishedLaunching callback of your AppDelegate class as shown below.

using WebEngageXamariniOS;

namespace YourNamespace
    public class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
    	public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            WebEngage.SharedInstance().Application(application, launchOptions);
            return true;

3. Additional Steps (Optional)

For other integrations such as location tracking, please refer to the Advanced section.



You have successfully integrated WebEngage with your app and are sending user session data to WebEngage. Please note that it may take up to a few minutes for data to reflect in your dashboard.

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at support@webengage.com in case you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!

So, what's next?

We recommend that you implement the following integrations with your app before releasing it with WebEngage for the first time: