Legacy SDK v2


1. Install the SDK

The easiest way to use WebEngage in your Android project is with Maven. WebEngage Android SDK is hosted on jcenter Maven repository.

  1. Update your project's build.gradle script to include jcenter.
repositories {
  1. Add dependencies for WebEngage, Android Support v4 and Google Play Services Ads in your module’s build.gradle.
dependencies {
  compile 'com.webengage:android-sdk:2.+'
  compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:24.2.1' 
  compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:10.0.1'

2. Modify AndroidManifest.xml

Add the following snippets in your AndroidManifest.xml.

  1. Add your WebEngage License code within the application element.
  android:value="YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE" />


Make sure you replace YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE with your WebEngage license code.

  1. Set location tracking to true if you would like to run location based campaigns. User location is recorded for each of their tracked actions.
  1. Declare ExecutorService to process WebEngage events and EventLogService to send events to WebEngage backend.
<service android:name="com.webengage.sdk.android.ExecutorService" />
<service android:name="com.webengage.sdk.android.EventLogService" />
  1. Define in-app messages’ visual user interface. Add this only if you are going to use in-app messaging.
  android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" />
  1. WebEngage WebEngageReceiver and InstallTracker within the application element.
     <action android:name="com.webengage.sdk.android.intent.ACTION" />
     <category android:name="YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME" />

     <action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" />


Android only supports one BroadcastReceiver for the INSTALL_REFERRER IntentFilter. If your app or another SDK in your app is already listening for the INSTALL_REFERRER IntentFilter to track user acquisition source on Android, follow our instructions for using WebEngage in addition to other attribution providers.

  1. Permissions within the manifest element
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
  1. Set debug mode to true if you want to debug WebEngage SDK.
  android:value="true" /> <!-- only for debugging -->

3. Initialize the SDK

  1. If you don’t have a custom Application class, create one and specify the android:name property in the the application element in AndroidManifest.xml.
  1. Add the following to your Application class.

a. Import the WebEngage package.

import com.webengage.sdk.android.WebEngageActivityLifeCycleCallbacks

b. Initialize the SDK from the onCreate method.

public void onCreate() {
  registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new WebEngageActivityLifeCycleCallbacks(this));


If you support Android API level less than 14 then use alternative initialization instead of the above approach.

4. Configure ProGuard

This is only required if you use ProGuard to obfuscate your code. Update your project’s proguard-rules.pro file to include WebEngage exceptions as follows.

-keep class com.webengage.sdk.android.**{*;}
-dontwarn com.webengage.sdk.android.**

Session lifecycle

WebEngage SDK automatically starts tracking user data (e.g., device model, OS version, device IDs) and engagement with the basic setup above. This data is stored on the device and is periodically uploaded in batches to reduce network and power usage, and to increase the likelihood of successful uploads. The upload cycle is based on the number of datapoints in local database and last synced time. This local database size is capped and is deleted as soon as it is successfully uploaded. WebEngage allows you to change this upload behavior during runtime, so that you can make events sync faster to WebEngage if available network connectivity is good.

WebEngage SDK also starts tracking user sessions with this basic setup. Upon app backgrounding, the SDK marks the current time. If the user returns to the app after more than 15 seconds since the user had last backgrounded the app, the SDK will close the previous session. If the user foregrounds the app within 15 seconds of the previous backgrounding, the previous session is resumed as if the user did not leave the app at all.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have now successfully integrated WebEngage SDK with your Android app and are now sending user session and system event data to WebEngage.

Note that it may take a few minutes for your data to show up on the WebEngage dashboard. We suggest you meanwhile proceed to read the next sections to learn how to:

  1. Track user properties as attributes
  2. Track user actions as events
  3. Integrate push messaging
  4. Integrate in-app messaging

We recommend doing these integrations before releasing your app for the first time with WebEngage.


Event reporting strategy

WebEngage stores every datapoint in local database and sends them periodically to server in a background thread when a certain criteria is met. The criteria is based on the number of events in local database and last synced time.

WebEngage allows you to change the event reporting behavior during runtime, so that you can make events sync faster to WebEngage if available connectivity is good.



setEventReportingStrategy is to be called only once in a session. The SDK remembers this setting unless your app is restarted.

By default, the reporting strategy is set to ReportingStrategy.BUFFER. See ReportingStrategy for details.

Fetch WebEngage configuration

Returns WebEngage configuration. See WebEngageConfig for details.

WebEngageConfig weConfig = WebEngage.get().getWebEngageConfig();


Set log level for WebEngage. See Logger for details.



This is to be used only in development mode.

Location tracking

Enable or disable location tracking during runtime.


Using WebEngage with other attribution providers

If you have an InstallReferrer already set up and do not want to change it, or you want some other InstallReferrer to be the primary one, you can still use WebEngage’s InstallReferrer for attribution tracking.

Pass the Intent broadcast received in the BroadcastReceiver of your primary InstallReferrer to onReceive() of WebEngage's InstallReferrer. This is illustrated below.

public class PrimaryInstallTracker extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {


In case the primary `InstallReferrer` is part of some library, or there is some other issue that prevents you from modifying the existing `InstallReferrer`, you can set up a new `InstallReferrer`, make it primary, and then call the immutable `InstallReferrer` and WebEngage's `InstallReferrer` from this new primary `InstallReferrer`.

Doing this is straightforward:

  1. Set up a new InstallReferrer.
  2. Declare it in AndroidManifest.xml.
  3. Call the immutable InstallReferrer and WebEngage's InstallReferrer from the onReceive() of this new primary InstallReferrer.
  4. Call other InstallReferrers if you are using more attribution trackers.

Alternative initialization

Use this approach if you are targeting devices below Android API level 14.

  1. Initialize WebEngage SDK from the onCreate of your Application class.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {
  1. Manually call WebEngage's session tracking API from onStart and onStop of each of your activities.
public void onStart(){

public void onStop(){

You are now ready to continue with the setup process here.