Callbacks are useful for understanding the lifecycle stages of WebEngage messages. All WebEngage callbacks are called on the main thread. All callbacks must be registered in onDeviceReady before the webengage.engage() call.

Push message callbacks

Push Notification Clicked

webengage.push.onClick allows you to register a callback function which is executed when the user taps on a received push notification. This callback should be registered in onDeviceReady before the webengage.engage() call.

The callback handler receives two parameters:

  • deeplink: The deep link URL String associated with the push message
  • customData: Custom data Object passed from the dashboard
onDeviceReady: function() {

  webengage.push.onClick(function(deeplink, customData) {
    console.log("Push clicked");




If this callback is registered in iOS, the deep link will not be opened automatically. Your app is supposed to handle it. For Android, the deep link is fired irrespective.

In-app message callbacks

In-App Notification Prepared

This callback gets triggered before the in-app message is shown to your users. It allows you to customize the UI, colors, CTAs (buttons) and content of the In-app message received from WebEngage before displaying it to your users.

The callback handler receives one parameter:

  • inAppData: The data Object for the prepared in-app notification
onDeviceReady: function() {

  webengage.notification.onPrepared(function(inAppData) {
    console.log("InApp Prepared Callback Received, Data: " + JSON.stringify(inAppData));



In-App Notification Shown

webengage.notification.onShown allows you to register a callback function which is executed after an in-app notification is shown to the user.

The callback handler receives one parameter:

  • inAppData: The data Object for the shown in-app notification
onDeviceReady: function() {

  webengage.notification.onShown(function(inAppData) {
    console.log("In-app shown");



In-App Notification Dismissed

webengage.notification.onDismiss allows you to register a callback function which is executed after an in-app notification is closed by the user.

The callback handler receives one parameter:

  • inAppData: The data Object for the shown in-app notification
onDeviceReady: function() {

  webengage.notification.onDismiss(function(inAppData) {
    console.log("In-app dismissed");



In-App Notification Clicked

webengage.notification.onClick allows you to register a callback function which is executed after an in-app notification is clicked by the user.

The callback handler receives two parameters:

  • inAppData: The data Object for the shown in-app notification
  • actionId: The String identifier for the action button
onDeviceReady: function() {

  webengage.notification.onClick(function(inAppData, actionId) {
    console.log("In-app shown");



Data received from in-app callbacks adheres to the below format.

  "description": null,
  "id": "173050749",
  "actions": [
      "actionEId": "~3284c402",
      "actionText": "Hello",
      "actionLink": "",
      "actionCategory": "CTA",
      "actionTarget": "_top",
      "isPrime": true,
      "type": "EXTERNAL_URL"
  "layoutId": "~483819e",
  "showTitle": true,
  "canMinimize": true,
  "layoutAttributes": {
    "exitAnimation": "FADE_OUT",
    "fullscreen": true,
    "wvHeight": 100,
    "image_url": "",
    "posX": 0,
    "animDuration": 1000,
    "type": "BLOCKING",
    "posY": 0,
    "wvWidth": 100,
    "entryAnimation": "FADE_IN"
  "title": null,
  "config": {
    "closeIconColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "hideLogo": false,
    "c2aTextColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "c2aTextFont": "Sans-Serif",
    "c2aBackgroundColor": "#4A90E2"
  "canClose": true,
  "notificationEncId": "13cjj4m",
  "direction": "ltr",
  "isActive": true