React Native SDK

Changelogs 2024

v1.5.1 [24 April 2024]

  • Optimizations related to pushNotificationClickedfunction.
  • Optimized SDK security flow.

v1.5.0 [13 Feb 2024]

  • Optimized SDK security flow.

Changelogs 2023

v1.4.1 [19 Dec 2023]

  • Viber channel dependencies added.
  • GAID changes to support for Google Families Policy restriction where advertising ID cannot be tracked for users of unknown age and children.

Changelogs 2022

v1.3.0 [19 Aug 2022]

Changes with respect to Android 13 update:

  • Changes in relation to collecting Advertisement ID
  • Collecting Push opt-ins in run time through push permission pop-up

Changelogs 2021

v1.2.13 [12 July 2022]

  1. Plugin updated to support latest React Native v0.69

v1.2.12 [13 May 2022]

  1. Handling push callbacks in killed state in Android and iOS.

  2. Changing name for "hasListener" in iOS bridge file.

v1.2.10 [24 November 2021]

  1. Transitive internal react dependencies has been changed from React to React-core

  2. Plugin will now work with or without use framework! in react-native iOS podfile ; use framework! static as well as dynamic linkage is working for iOS

v1.2.9 [4 October 2021]

Removed obsolete Gradle dependency usage

v1.2.8 [16 June 2021]

Push callback registration fix in the killed state.

v1.2.7 [11 Feb 2021]

Added support for CodePush

v1.2.5 [18 Jan 2021]

Minor bug fixes

v1.2.4 [15 Jan 2021]

Added support for deep linking via iOS Universal Links. Clicks are tracked through the push notification callback fired in the app.js file.

Changelogs 2020

v1.2.3 [22 Sept 2020]

Added push notification callback to get deep link URL in app.js file

v1.2.1 [24 Jun 2020]

Adds method for channel opt-in status.

Changelogs 2019

v1.1.1 [11 Aug 2019]

  1. Fixes date object being passed as empty object due to breaking change in react-native v0.58.

  2. Updates react-native android library build tools and compile SDK version to 28.

  3. Updates Gradle build version to 3.4.1.

v1.1.0 [5 Aug 2019]

  1. Adds supports react-native v0.60.X.

  2. Reduces the size of the node module by removing the android build directory and iOS WebEngage framework.

v1.0.8 [14 Jun 2019]

  1. Fixes UTC timezone in iOS date-format.

  2. Fixes screen API method name misspell.

v1.0.7 [May 29, 2019]

  1. Adds date object support in Android and iOS builds.

  2. Fixes nested maps and lists in Android builds.

v1.0.6 [Jan 21, 2019]

Fixes Runtime Exception/crash while emitting event for push and in-app notification callbacks before WebEngage SDK Bridge initialization.

Changelogs 2018

SDK v1.0.5 (Sep 11, 2018)

Adds in-app notification callbacks.