AWS Pinpoint

AWS Pinpoint is a communication service and can be used in your WebEngage dashboard as an SMS Service Provider to send highly personalized SMSes to your entire userbase.


While all messages will be sent to Pinpoint for final delivery to users, all Delivery Status Notifications like SMS Sent, Queued, Failed, and so on, will be tracked through the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Stream that is linked to the Pinpoint account. Thus, please ensure that the following settings are configured in your AWS Pinpoint and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose accounts before adding Pinpoint as an SSP in WebEngage:

Step 1: Setup AWS Pinpoint Project

You will need to create a Pinpoint project and enable SMS as a channel. Here's how you can set it up

Step 2: Create Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Stream

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is a data streaming service that acts as a middle-man between AWS Pinpoint and your user's mobile network provider. It enables Pinpoint to relay delivery status notifications to WebEngage for each user in real-time. Here's how you can set it up

Depending on the WebEngage Data Center you're using, please add the relevant URL to create a data stream.


WebEngage Tracker Endpoint URL for Global Data Center

If your dashboard URL starts with then it means that you're using our US Data Center.

Please add the following URL against the field, HTTP Destination in your AWS Kinesis Data Firehose account:


WebEngage Tracker Endpoint URL for India Data Center

If your dashboard URL starts with then it means that you're using our India Data Center.

Please add the following URL against the field, HTTP Destination in your AWS Kinesis Data Firehose account:


WebEngage Tracker Endpoint URL for Saudi Arabia Data Center

If your dashboard URL starts with then it means that you're using our Saudi Arabia Data Center.

Please add the following URL against the field, HTTP Destination in your AWS Kinesis Data Firehose account:

Step 3: Link Pinpoint Project with Kinesis Data Firehose Stream

In order to send delivery status notifications for each SMS from WebEngage, we need to link it with the Kinesis Data Firehose account created by you. This can be done by setting up an event stream in your Pinpoint project and pointing it to the respective Kinesis Firehose Stream. Here's how you can set it up

Here's a quick overview of the process:

Step 1: Go to Settings in Pinpoint dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Event Stream and click Edit.

Step 3: Add details of the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Stream created previously.

Step 4: Click Enable.

Step 4: Give WebEngage Access to AWS Pinpoint

Create an IAM user in your AWS account by adding the following code snippet. Doing so grants WebEngage the minimum permissions required to access your AWS Pinpoint Project.

Please note: This IAM user is not be confused with the IAM user added to the Pinpoint Project and Kinesis Data Firehose account during configuration.

    "Version": "{{version_number}}",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "mobiletargeting:SendMessages",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:{{aws-region}}:{{account-id}}:apps/{{pinpoint-project-id}}/messages"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "mobiletargeting:GetEventStream",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:mobiletargeting:{{aws-region}}:{{account-id}}:apps/{{pinpoint-project-id}}/eventstream"


Please replace the following placeholders in the above code snippet with values from your account:

{{version_number}} - Of your Pinpoint Project where SMS is enabled.

{{aws-region}} - Must be the same as the Region configured for AWS Pinpoint and Kinesis Data Firehose Stream.

{{account-id}} - Your AWS Pinpoint Account ID.

{{pinpoint-project-id}} - For the Pinpoint project where SMS is enabled as a channel.

Now that you're all set let's show you how you can add AWS Pinpoint as an SMS Service Provider (SSP) in your dashboard.


Navigate to Data Paltform > Integrations > SMS Setup (Configure) in your dashboard to get started.


Click to enlarge

As shown above:

Step 1: Select SSP

Select AWS Pinpoint from the list of Available SMS Service Providers.. In doing so, you will be prompted by a configuration modal.

Step 2: Name your Configuration

Please add a user-friendly name that enables you to identify the right SSP for a campaign while creating it. This comes in handy especially, when you have multiple accounts with the same SSP for sending different types of campaigns.

For example, if you have chosen to use AWS Pinpoint for sending Promotional campaigns, then we recommend that you indicate the same by naming the configuration something like:

  • Pinpoint Promo
  • AWS Promo Pipeline

Step 3: Add Region

Please specify the same Region as the one used for configuring Pinpoint and Kinesis Delivery Stream in your AWS dashboard. A mismatch will cause configuration failure.

Step 4: Add Credentials

Navigate to your AWS Pinpoint dashboard to find and copy your Project ID, Access Key, and Secret Key. Paste them in the configuration modal.

Step 5: Add SSP

Click Add SSP, and you're good to go!

  • In case you see an error message after doing so, please refer to these Validation Errors.



You've now successfully integrated AWS Pinpoint with your WebEngage dashboard.

You can test the integration by creating a test SMS campaign and sending it to a group of internal users (aka your teammates).

A quick guide on Editing/ Deleting an integration.

Integration Validation Errors

Once you've added your AWS Pinpoint credentials, WebEngage runs a validation check to ensure that everything is in place. However, there are several instances where integration could fail. Here are all the error codes you will see in the dashboard and what they mean:

Error CodeWhat It MeansHow to Resolve
2001Pinpoint account is not accessible for the Region specified during configuration.Step 1: Revisit your Kinesis Delivery Stream and AWS Pinpoint configuration to ensure that they're configured for the same Region.

Step 2: Ensure that the selected Region during configuration is the same as the one for which Pinpoint and the linked Delivery Stream have been configured.
2002Pinpoint account is not linked to a Kinesis Firehose Data Stream.Step 1: Go back to your Pinpoint SMS Project

Step 2: Check if it's linked to a valid Kinesis Firehose Data Stream. (Steps to link)

Step 3: Attempt configuration again.
2003The Kinesis Firehose Data Stream linked to your Pinpoint account was not found (doesn't exist).Step 1: Go back to your Pinpoint SMS Project

Step 2: Check if it's linked to a valid Kinesis Firehose Data Stream. (Steps to link)

Step 3: Attempt configuration again.
2004The linked Kinesis Firehose Data Stream is Inactive.The delivery stream status can be switched to Active in your Kinesis dashboard. Here's how you can go about it::

Step 1: Go to the Kinesis dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Details > Edit.

Step 3: Switch Status to Active.

Step 4: Attempt configuration again.
2005No HTTP destination has been configured in the Kinesis Firehose Data Stream linked to your Pinpoint account.Step 1: Follow these steps to set up a delivery stream.

Step 2: Attempt configuration again.
2006The HTTP destination configured for your Kinesis Firehose Data Stream does not match the WebEngage tracker endpoint URL.Step 1: Follow these steps to set up a delivery stream.

Step 2: Attempt configuration again.

Delivery Failure Status

There are several instances where AWS Pinpoint could fail to deliver your SMS campaign to a user's mobile network. All failures are tracked as the Performance Indicator, SMS Failed in your dashboard, and can be analyzed under the Campaign's Overview section.

While you will only see the failure reasons in your dashboard, here's an Error Code mapping for your reference:

Error CodeDelivery Failure ReasonWhat It Means
2000Insufficient CreditsIndicates that your Pinpoint Account has reached the credit limit set by you. Please add more credits and create another campaign (containing the same message) for users who failed to receive the message.
2003Invalid Mobile NumberIndicates that the phone number provided by the user is invalid.
2006User Registered for NDNCIndicates that the user's phone number if registered in a National Do Not Call list due to which you will not be able to send them promotional messages.
2008Message Expired
2015Message was RejectedIndicates that the message was rejected by the user's mobile network service provider.
2016Time to Live Expired (DND Queue Drop / FC Queue Drop)Indicates that the message expired while it was Queued for delayed delivery.
2020Throttling ErrorWebEngage uses the SendMessages API to deliver messages to AWS Pinpoint. If the rate quota is exceeded, then AWS throttles or rejects (the otherwise valid) message requests from your dashboard.

Hence, we recommend that you specific a Throttling Limit for the campaign if the messaging load will exceed 240,000 messages per minute.
2021DuplicateIndicates that Pinpoint received the same message multiple times for a user. Thus, only the first message will be delivered and all duplicates will be dropped by AWS Pinpoint.
9988Other FailuresAn unknown or uncommon error occurred due to which message delivery failed.

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at if you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!