Push Messaging

Push Notifications are messages that pop up on mobile devices. App publishers can send them at any time; even if the recipients aren’t currently engaging with the app or using their devices.


Before continuing, please ensure that you have added the WebEngage SDK to your app.

Configure Push Messaging

Here's how you can enable Push Messaging for your Xamarin.iOS app:

Step 1: Follow the steps mentioned in Push messaging integration document for iOS.

Step 2: Log in to your WebEngage dashboard and navigate to Integrations > Channels. In Push tab, under the iOS section, make sure you have uploaded either your push certificate or auth key.

Step 3: In your Xamarin.iOS app's Entitlements.plist, check Enable Push Notifications.

Step 4: Add remote-notifications as type string under App Background Modes in your app's info.plist.

Step 5: Set autoregister to true while initializing WebEngage SDK as shown below.

using WebEngageXamariniOS;

namespace YourNamespace
    public class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            WebEngage.SharedInstance().Application(application, launchOptions, true);
            return true;

Enable Rich Push Notifications

Follow the below steps to use rich push notifications in your Xamarin.iOS app.

1. For Banner Push Notifications

Step 1: Add a new project named NotificationService with Notification Service Extension as target in your main app.

Step 2: Download WebEngage Banner Push Notification Extension SDK.

Step 3: Add WebEngageBannerPushXamariniOS.dll to References in your NotificationService project.

Step 4: Replace NotificationService.cs with the below code.

using Foundation;
using WebEngageBannerPushXamariniOS;

namespace NotificationService
    public class NotificationService : WEXPushNotificationService


2. For Rating and Carousel Push Notifications

Step 1: Add a new project named NotificationViewController with Notification Content Extension as target in your main app.

Step 2: Download WebEngage Notification App Extension SDK.

Step 3: Add WebEngageAppExXamariniOS.dll to References in your NotificationViewController project.

Step 4: Open the Info.plist file for NotificationViewController. Expand NSExetnsion > NSExtensionAttributes. Look for UNNotificationExtensionCategory under NSExtensionAttributes. If it is not present, add it and set the type as Array. In its items, add the following values:

  • WEG_CAROUSEL_V1 for Carousel Push Notifications
  • WEG_RATING_V1 for Rating Push Notifications

Step 5: Replace NotificationViewController.cs with the below code.

using System;
using Foundation;
using UserNotifications;
using WebEngageAppExXamariniOS;

namespace NotificationViewController
    public partial class NotificationViewController : WEXRichPushNotificationViewController
        protected NotificationViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)

        public override void ViewDidLoad()

        public override void DidReceiveNotification(UNNotification notification)

3. Set App Groups of All 3 Projects

Set App Groups as group.[app-bundle-id].WEGNotificationGroup in Entitlements.plist of all three projects (your Xamarin.iOS app, NotificationService and NotificationViewController).

And you're good to go!

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at support@webengage.com in case you have any further queries. We're always just an email away.