This integration allows WebEngage to capture attribution information from TUNE. Here's how you can configure Webengage as an Internal Partner in your TUNE dashboard.

Step 1: Select WebEngage as Internal Partner

As highlighted below, click the Add Postback URL to get started.

Step 2: Select Mobile App(s)

As shown, select All Mobile Apps against this field to ensure that data flows in for all your apps integrated with WebEngage.

Step 3: Configure Event Type

  • As highlighted above, select Install under the field, Event Type.

  • Attribution Option: As shown below, select the option, Send all events attributed... against this field to ensure that all the data tracked for all your apps via TUNE is passed on to your WebEngage account.

Step 4: Add Postback URL

At WebEngage, you can choose to host all your data at three data centers - US, Saudi Arabia or India. By default, all data is stored in our US Data Center. However, you can choose to host it at our Saudi Arabia or India Data Center by specifying the same in your contractual agreement.


Identifying Your Data Center

If your WebEngage dashboard URL starts with,, then it means that you're using our US data center.

If your WebEngage dashboard link starts with,, then it means that you're using our India data center.

If your WebEngage dashboard link starts with,, then it means that you're using our Saudi Arabia data center.

Depending on your data center, paste the following URL under the field, Postback URL in your TUNE dashboard.{ios_ifa}&advertiserId={google_aid_alphanumeric_lower}&android-id={android_id}&app-id={package_name}&install-unix-ts={install_datetime}&click-ts={click_timestamp}&campaign={campaign_id}&country-code={country_code}&device-brand={device_brand}&carrier={device_carrier}&ip={device_ip}&device-model={device_model}&language={language}&appsflyer-device-id={mat_id}&app-version-name={package_app_version}&user-agent={user_agent}&idfv={ios_ifv}&os-version-name={os_version}&app-version={app_version}&app-name={package_app_name}&source=tune&http_headers[Authorization]=bearer WEBENGAGE_API_KEY{ios_ifa}&advertiserId={google_aid_alphanumeric_lower}&android-id={android_id}&app-id={package_name}&install-unix-ts={install_datetime}&click-ts={click_timestamp}&campaign={campaign_id}&country-code={country_code}&device-brand={device_brand}&carrier={device_carrier}&ip={device_ip}&device-model={device_model}&language={language}&appsflyer-device-id={mat_id}&app-version-name={package_app_version}&user-agent={user_agent}&idfv={ios_ifv}&os-version-name={os_version}&app-version={app_version}&app-name={package_app_name}&source=tune&http_headers[Authorization]=bearer WEBENGAGE_API_KEY{ios_ifa}&advertiserId={google_aid_alphanumeric_lower}&android-id={android_id}&app-id={package_name}&install-unix-ts={install_datetime}&click-ts={click_timestamp}&campaign={campaign_id}&country-code={country_code}&device-brand={device_brand}&carrier={device_carrier}&ip={device_ip}&device-model={device_model}&language={language}&appsflyer-device-id={mat_id}&app-version-name={package_app_version}&user-agent={user_agent}&idfv={ios_ifv}&os-version-name={os_version}&app-version={app_version}&app-name={package_app_name}&source=tune&http_headers[Authorization]=bearer WEBENGAGE_API_KEY
  • You can use macros in these URLs, which are dynamically populated with the appropriate values that Attribution Analytics collects from the device (or receives on click, etc.).

  • Please ensure that you replace WEBENGAGE_API_KEY (placed at the end of the URL) with your WebEngage API Key. As shown below, it can be found under Data Platform > Integrations > REST API in your dashboard.


Click to enlarge

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated TUNE with WebEngage :)

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at in case you have any queries or feedback. We're always just an email away!