Copy Push to Notification Inbox - Android

Notification Inbox is a powerful feature through which your users can have a unified and streamlined notification experience, where they can easily access and manage their notifications in one place.

Through WebEngage, you can now copy push notifications to your app's Notification Inbox. In this approach the app will have the control on the notification message layout, while through WebEngage integration the message data will be passed on to your app, thereby providing your users personalized experiences.


Notification Inbox as a complete channel to be launched soon!


To get started with integrating Notification Inbox make sure:

  • WebEngage Android SDK version 4.4.1 or above is integrated
  • SDK authentication is enabled. (You can enable it by following the steps in this document)
  • Once the initialization steps mentioned in this document are completed, you can raise a request to us on to enable this feature.

Initialize the SDK

To use the Notification Inbox SDK, you need to initialize a WebEngage object with your API key and endpoint.

implementation 'com.webengage:we-notification-inbox:1.0.0'

Methods to call Notification Messages

Retrieve unread notification count

This method provides the count of unread notifications. The value will be either a single digit number or the number with a "+" sign.

For example: the value can be 7 or 10+

        new WEInboxCallback<String>() {
            public void onSuccess(String countStr) {

            public void onError(int errorCode, @NonNull Map<String, ?> error) {
WENotificationInbox.get(context).getUserNotificationCount(context, object : WEInboxCallback<String> {
        override fun onSuccess(result: String) {


        override fun onError(errorCode: Int, error: Map<String, Any?>) {


Get notification messages:

Fetch the notification inbox list in the Activity/Fragment where you want to show the Notification Inbox data. This will return the first set of notifications list.

      new WEInboxCallback<WEInboxData>() {
            public void onSuccess(WEInboxData weInboxData) {
  							//Handle the data
            public void onError(int errorCode, @NonNull Map<String, ?> error) {
              //Handle error state
            object: WEInboxCallback<WEInboxData> {
                override fun onSuccess(result: WEInboxData) {
                   //Handle the data

                override fun onError(errorCode: Int, error: Map<String, Any?>) {
                    //Handle error state

Get notification messages with offset:

The weInboxData received on the success of above API call has a boolean value hasNext, which will be true if there is a possibility of additional data being available for retrieval. To fetch the next batch of the notification list you need to send the last message object weInboxMessage of weInboxData.getMessageList().

WENotificationInbox.get(context).getNotificationList(context, weInboxMessage, 
        new WEInboxCallback<WEInboxData>() {
            public void onError(int errorCode, @NonNull Map<String, ?> error) {
            public void onSuccess(WEInboxData weInboxData) {
WENotificationInbox.get(context).getNotificationList(context, weInboxMessage , object : WEInboxCallback<WEInboxData>{
        override fun onSuccess(result: WEInboxData) {

        override fun onError(errorCode: Int, error: Map<String, Any?>) {


This object hold the list of message data and a value that represent if more notifications to be fetched.

NameVariable typeDefinition
hasNextBooleanThe value will be true if more notification messages may be available for download. Note that this does not guarantee the availability of more messages.
messageListWEInboxMessageCollection of WEInboxMessage objects. With additional details of each notifications


The object contains the details of the notification. You can access the following details from this object. WEInboxMessageData holds the details needed to render the push such as title description

NameVariable typeDefinition
experimentIdStringid of the campaign
statusStringstatus of the message read/unread/delete
channelTypeStringtype of the channel push/email/sms
categoryStringcategory of the notification
messageWEInboxMessageDataThis object hold the details needed to render the push such as title, description, summary


The object contains the message data required to display the details on the screen. This also allows you to access the custom key-value pairs. You must type cast this message to the appropriate data type based on the channel type.
If the channel is Push, WEInboxMessageData is converted to PushNotificationTemplateData.

List<WEInboxMessage> weInboxMessageList = weInboxData.getMessageList();
WEInboxMessage weInboxMessage  = weInboxMessageList.get(i);
PushNotificationTemplateData pushNotificationTemplateData =  (PushNotificationTemplateData) weInboxMessage.getMessage();

String title = pushNotificationTemplateData.getTitle();
String description =  pushNotificationTemplateData.getDescription();
Map<String, String> customDataMap = pushNotificationTemplateData.getCustomData();
var weInboxMessageList: List<WEInboxMessage> = weInboxData.getMessageList()
var weInboxMessage: WEInboxMessage = weInboxMessageList[i]
var pushNotificationTemplateData: PushNotificationTemplateData =
weInboxMessage.getMessage() as PushNotificationTemplateData

var title: String = pushNotificationTemplateData.getTitle()
var description: String = pushNotificationTemplateData.getDescription()
var customDataMap: Map<String, String> = pushNotificationTemplateData.getCustomData()


NameVariable typeDefinition
titleStringTitle of the notification.
descriptionStringDescription of the notification.
callToActionsListMutableMap<String, Any?>call to action Button details of the notification.
customDataMutableMap<String, String>One can access the custom key-value pairs with this.
summaryStringSummary of the notification.


Function NameReturn typeDefinition
getTitle()StringTitle of the notification.
getDescription()StringDescription of the notification.
getCallToActionsListMap<String,Object>call to action Button details of the notification.
getCustomData()Map<String, String>One can access the custom key-value pairs with this.
getSummary()StringSummary of the notification.

Mark Notification Events

You can record various events for each message received for the user to update the notification inbox list. This can be done through WEInboxMessage object. The various types of events that can be recorded for the messages are: READ, UNREAD, DELETE and BULK operations.

Mark notification Read

This marks the notification as read for the user, it helps to indicate the user in the future that the notification is already read.


Mark notifications Read in Bulk

WENotificationInbox.get(mContext).markStatus(weInboxMessageList, WENotificationInbox.STATUS.READ);

Mark a notification as Unread

This marks the notification as unread. User can mark the already Read message as Unread.


Mark notifications as Unread in bulk

WENotificationInbox.get(context).markStatus(weInboxMessageList, WENotificationInbox.STATUS.UNREAD)

Mark notification Delete

Marking the status of a message to delete, will delete the message from the notification list from remote.


Mark Notification as Delete in Bulk


Track the user activity with the notifications with the following functions-

Track Views/Impressions

For example, if a user have viewed the message from the notification inbox and to keep a track on the viewed impression, you can call the trackView().


Track notification message Click

For example, if a user have clicked the message from the notification inbox and to keep a track on the clicked impression, you can call the trackClick().


Track the click on the notification icon/button

You can track the user's click on the notification Icon. This should be added to track the click of icon/button which will show the list. This will reset the notification count fetched.


Sample Notification Inbox Module

WebEngage has built a sample Notification Inbox module that is a plug-and-play solution. This solution is beneficial for clients who still haven't created a Notification Inbox in their apps. You can learn more about the module and its flexibilities here.