On-site Notification

Notification Properties


You can configure the on-site notification properties as described below.

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefault value
notificationIdStringIdentify a specific notification using its notificationId.null
skipRulesBooleanIf set to true, targeting rules specified in the dashboard for the active notifications are not executed. Thus, all the active notifications, unless notificationId is specified, become eligible to be shown.false
forcedRenderBooleanIf set to true, the clicked or closed notifications also become eligible to be shown.false
delayNumberTime delay, in milliseconds, to show a survey on a page. This overrides the time delay specified on the dashboard while creating the notification.null
defaultRenderBooleanIf set to false, the eligible notification is not displayed by default.true
customDataObjectSpecify your custom data for notification here in JSON format to submit along with every notification click. If not set then webengage.customData is referred.null
ruleDataObjectSpecify your rule data here in JSON format to filter your audience, with the keys you specified on WebEngage dashboard while editing rules for the corresponding notification. If not specified, webengage.ruleData is referred.null
tokensObjectSpecify your tokens data here in JSON format. If not specified, webengage.tokens is referred.null

Usage examples

  1. Delay the rendering time of a particular notification.
	'delay' : 5,
	'notificationId' : '_NOTIFICATION_ID_'
  1. Skip rules on a page for notifications.
webengage.notification.options('skipRules', true);
  1. Show a "We are offline" notification every Sunday.
var daysInWeek = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
webengage.notification.options('ruleData', {day : daysInWeek[(new Date()).getDay()]});


In custom rules section on the targeting page of WebEngage dashboard, you can use the "day" variable to create targeting rules. For example, if the day is "Sunday", you can display a notification on your contact page that your support team is currently offline.

Notification Methods


This method allows you to override notification settings as configured on WebEngage dashboard. It also overrides any provided global configuration properties on the page. This method accepts all notification configuration properties.

Usage Examples

  1. Open a notification on click of a button.
webengage.notification.options('defaultRender', false);
	document.getElementById("_BUTTON_ID_").onclick = function () {
  1. Open a notification on page scroll (down).
webengage.notification.options('defaultRender', false);
var getScrollPercentage = function () {
	var documentHeight = $(document).height();
	var viewPortHeight = $(window).height();
	var verticlePageOffset = $(document).scrollTop();
	return Math.round(100* (viewPortHeight+verticlePageOffset)/documentHeight);
var notificationDisplayed = false;
	window.onscroll = function (event) {
		if (!notificationDisplayed && getScrollPercentage() >= 70) {
			webengage.notification.render({ notificationId : '_NOTIFICATION_ID_' }); // invoking webengage.notification.render with specific notification id
			notificationDisplayed = true;


Please scroll down a bit to see this in effect.
Also, note that we are calling webengage.notification.render by passing it notificationId option.

  1. Pass custom data / rule data.
webengage.notification.options('defaultRender', false);
webengage.notification.options('ruleData', { 'categoryCode' '_CATEGORY_CODE_', 'paidCustomer' : true });
	document.getElementById("_BUTTON_ID_").onclick = function () {
			'customData' :  { 'userId' : '_USER_ID_', 'age' : _AGE_ }
  1. Pop an alert on closing a notification.
webengage.notification.options('defaultRender', false);
	document.getElementById("_BUTTON_ID_").onclick = function(){
            alert("You have closed the notification");


This method clears any rendered notification.

Usage Example

  1. Clear a notification on click of a button.
webengage.notification.options('defaultRender', false);
	document.getElementById("_BUTTON_ID_").onclick = function () {

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at support@webengage.com in case you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!