In-app Messaging

While creating In-app Campaigns, you can specify multiple conditions, on the occurrence of which, the in-app message must be displayed for a user. You can choose to display the message on a specific screen in your app by tagging it with a Screen Name or tracking Screen Data for it.


Before continuing, please ensure that you have added the WebEngage SDK to your app.

Message Placement

Screens are mobile equivalent of web pages which can have associated properties. WebEngage SDK allows you to tag whenever a user sees a screen in your React Native app pages. These tags allow you to pinpoint screens in your app where you would later render in-app messages using WebEngage dashboard. A React Native app can have multiple screens and vice versa is also possible. Note that screens are only usable for targeting in-app engagements.

Every screen can be associated with some contextual data, which can be part of the targeting rule for in-app messages. Your app can update the data associated with a screen using webengage.screen as shown below.

webengage.screen accepts two parameters: Screen Name (String) and Screen Data (Object). You can call webengage.screen with either both screen name and screen data as parameters or any one of these.

webengage.screen("Purchase Screen", {
    "productId": "~hs7674",
    "price" : 1200


webengage.screen informs WebEngage SDK that the user has navigated to a new screen. Any previously set screen data is lost.

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