Tanla Platforms

Configuring RSP (Tanla Platforms)

Following are the steps that will enable you to add the RCS Service Provider to the list of RSPs offered by WebEngage.


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Step 1: Select RSP

Select the Tanla Platform from the List of available RSPs. In doing so, you will be prompted by a configuration modal.

Step 2: Name your Configuration

Please add a user-friendly name that enables you to identify the right RSP for a campaign while creating it. This comes in handy especially when you have multiple accounts with the same RSP for sending different types of campaigns .

Step 3: Add RSP Number/Sender ID

Please add the valid sender ID or RSP numbers that you have verified for RCS in your Tanla dashboard.

Step 4: Add API Key

Navigate to your Tanla dashboard to find and copy your API Key, paste it in the configuration modal.

Step 5: Add RSP

Click on Add RSP and you're good to go!



You've now successfully integrated Tanla with your WebEngage dashboard.

You can test the integration by creating a test RCS campaign and sending it to a group of internal users (aka your teammates)..

A quick guide on Editing/ Deleting an integration.

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at [email protected] in you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!