Getting Started

1. Installation

  1. Download WebEngage Xamarin.Android Library.
  2. To consume this downloaded .DLL in your Xamarin.Android app, you must add a reference to the Bindings Library. To do this, right-click on the References node of your project and select Add Reference.

2. Initialization

Initialize WebEngage SDK with your license code from onCreate callback of your Application class as shown below.

using Com.Webengage.Sdk.Android;

    public class YourApplication : Application

    	public override void OnCreate()

            WebEngageConfig config = new WebEngageConfig.Builder()
            RegisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new WebEngageActivityLifeCycleCallbacks(this, config));


Make sure you replace YOUR_WEBENGAGE_LICENSE_CODE with your WebEngage license code


Finding your WebEngage License Code

As shown above, naviagte to the Account Setup section to find your license code. Your License Code might start with tilde (~).

3. Attribution tracking

Android only supports one BroadcastReceiver for the INSTALL_REFERRER IntentFilter. If your app or another SDK in your app is already listening for the INSTALL_REFERRER IntentFilter to track user acquisition source on Android, follow the below instructions for using WebEngage in addition to other attribution providers.

Pass the Intent broadcast received in the BroadcastReceiver of your primary InstallReferrer to onReceive() of WebEngage's InstallReferrer. This is illustrated below.

using Com.Webengage.Sdk.Android;

namespace YourNamespace
    public class PrimaryInstallTracker : BroadcastReceiver
        public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)


In case the primary `InstallReferrer` is part of some library, or there is some other issue that prevents you from modifying the existing `InstallReferrer`, you can set up a new `InstallReferrer`, make it primary, and then call the immutable `InstallReferrer` and WebEngage's `InstallReferrer` from this new primary `InstallReferrer`.

Doing this is straightforward:

  1. Set up a new InstallReferrer.
  2. Declare it in AndroidManifest.xml.
  3. Call the immutable InstallReferrer and WebEngage's InstallReferrer from the onReceive() of this new primary InstallReferrer.
  4. Call other InstallReferrers if you are using more attribution trackers.

Alternatively, if you don't have any other primary install referrer tracker and want to make WebEngage as the primary one, add the below receiver tag inside the application tag of your AndroidManifest.xml file.

     <action android:name="" />

4. Additional steps (Optional)

For other integration options such as location tracking, refer the Advanced section.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have now successfully integrated WebEngage with your Hybrid app and are now sending user session data to WebEngage.

Note that it may take a few minutes for your data to show up on the WebEngage dashboard. We suggest you meanwhile proceed to read the next sections to learn how to:

  1. Track user properties as attributes
  2. Track user actions as events
  3. Integrate push messaging
  4. Integrate in-app messaging