App In-line Content


Supported from Flutter SDK v1.2.3.

App In-line Content allows you to insert content directly into your app's screen without disturbing the user experience. It also allows you to dynamically update your app's content and run relevant and contextual campaigns.

You may use the In-line Content to change areas of your app or show banner ads based on live triggers and segmentation.

This capability is provided in WebEngage Personalization SDK, a child SDK that handles Inline campaigns.


Step 1: Integrate the WebEngage SDK by following the steps mentioned in this document.

Step 2: Add dependency in pubspec.yaml

we_personalization_flutter: ^1.0.0


Initialize the WebEngage Personalization SDK by calling WEPersonalization().init();. This needs to be done only once, and right after the WebEngage SDK Plugin initialization.

In main.dart file after initialising WebEngage plugin , call initialization of personalisation plugin in initState method

import 'package:we_personalization_flutter/we_personalization_flutter.dart';


The initState method will look like this:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:webengage_flutter/webengage_flutter.dart';
import 'package:we_personalization_flutter/we_personalization_flutter.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  MyAppState createState() => MyAppState();

class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
    //Initialize WebEngage Core plugin
    WebEngagePlugin _webenagePlugin = WebEngagePlugin();
    //Intialize WebEngage Personalization Plugin

Screen Tracking


Mandatory step

Tracking screen is a mandatory step to make sure In-line campaigns are rendered. This step cannot be skipped.

To track the screen in Flutter, you can either use the Flutter Navigator widget or the Route Object mechanism. The examples for tracking screens from both mechanisms are given below.

Through Flutter Navigator widget

If you are using push name method Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(SCREEN_NAME); to navigate to the different screens then use the below method to track screen.

Create a file ScreenRouteObserver.dart and add below code:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:webengage_flutter/webengage_flutter.dart';

class ScreenRouteObserver extends RouteObserver<PageRoute<dynamic>> {

  void _sendScreenView(PageRoute<dynamic> route) {
    var screenName =;
    if (screenName != null) {
        // your code goes here

  void didPush(Route route, Route? previousRoute) {
    super.didPush(route, previousRoute);
    if (route is PageRoute) {

  void didPop(Route route, Route? previousRoute) {
    super.didPop(route, previousRoute);
    if (previousRoute is PageRoute && route is PageRoute) {

Now in main.dart file, create an instance ScreenRouteObserver class and assign it to navigatorObserver in MaterialApp:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: ScreenNavigator.SCREEN_HOME,
      routes: {
        "homeScreen": (context) => const HomeScreen(),
        "detailScreen": (context) => const DetailScreen(),

      navigatorObservers: [ScreenRouteObserver()],

Through Route Object mechanism

If you are using PageRoute method to navigate to the different screens then use the below method to track screen:

        builder: (context) => HomeScreen()));

Create a instance of RouteObserver in main.dart file:

final RouteObserver<PageRoute> routeObserver = RouteObserver<PageRoute>();

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

Then add routeObserver to navigatorObservers:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: ScreenNavigator.SCREEN_HOME,
      navigatorObservers: [routeObserver],

Then in your screen widget class do the following:

class HomeScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  CustomModel customModel;

  HomeScreen({Key? key, required this.customModel}) : super(key: key);

  State<HomeScreen> createState() => _HomeScreenState();

class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen>
    with RouteAware {

  void initState() {

  void didChangeDependencies() {
    routeObserver.subscribe(this, ModalRoute.of(context) as PageRoute);

  void didPopNext() {

  void dispose() {

  void trackScreen(){

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("HOME SCREEN),
      body: Container(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),

Add WEInlineWidget widget in your widget or screen like below:

import 'package:we_personalization_flutter/we_personalization_flutter.dart';

        screenName: "homescreen",
        androidPropertyId: "s1p1",
        iosPropertyId: 1002,
        viewWidth: 0,
        viewHeight: 100,
        placeholderCallback: this,
screenNameThe name you pass during the trackScreen.
androidPropertyIdAndroid Property ID in String format.
Note: The Property ID cannot be named any integer between '1' to '100'.
iosPropertyIdiOS Property ID in Int format.
Note: The Property ID cannot be named any integer between '1' to '100'.
viewWidthWidth of view in Double format.
Note: If passed 0, it will take whole parent width.
viewHeightHeight of view in Double Format.
placeholderCallbackCallback for placeholder.


There are two types of callbacks available in Personalization SDK.

WEPlaceholderCallback: Placeholder Callbacks

Implement WEPlaceholderCallback in same class where WEInlineWidget is present.

In your class where you have added WEInlineWidget implement it with WEPlaceholderCallback and override the methods.

class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen>
    with WEPlaceholderCallback{

    void onDataReceived(data) {

    void onPlaceholderException(String campaignId, String targetViewId,     String error) {
        super.onPlaceholderException(campaignId, targetViewId, error);
    void onRendered(data) {

  • onDataReceived: This callback will get triggered when the campaign data will be received for Placeholder View. For Custom templates, you can obtain the data (key-value) pairs and can render your own UI using the same data (This method will give you accessibility to load the view dynamically. This is generally used in use-cases which involves RecyclerView or views which are server driven.). This will be called for all the templates Banner, Text and Custom available in WebEngage’s dashboard.

  • onRendered: When the SDK displays the Campaign on the screen (view event is triggered), this callback is triggered. This will only be triggered for Banner and Text templates. This will not be triggered for Custom templates, because they are handled by your application, and in cases where you have called stopRendering through WECampaignCallback.

  • onPlaceholderException: This callback will get triggered when the campaign showing for a Property or Placeholder will get failed. If the property is already visible, use this method to hide it or to display some default UI. Kindly refer to Exceptions for types of exceptions.

Code will look like below:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:we_personalization_flutter/we_personalization_flutter.dart';

class Dashboard extends StatefulWidget {
  const Dashboard({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<Dashboard> createState() => _DashboardState();

class _DashboardState extends State<Dashboard> implements WEPlaceholderCallback{
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: WEInlineWidget(
        screenName: "DashboardScreen",
        androidPropertyId: "S1P1",
        iosPropertyId: 1001,
        viewWidth: 0,
        viewHeight: 170,
        placeholderCallback: this,

  void onDataReceived(WECampaignData data) {
    // TODO: implement onDataReceived

  void onPlaceholderException(String campaignId, String targetViewId, String error) {
    // TODO: implement onPlaceholderException

  void onRendered(WECampaignData data) {
    // TODO: implement onRendered

WECampaignCallback: Campaign callbacks

Callbacks can be registered globally in the App class or locally in the different screens. This will be triggered throughout the campaign's lifecycle.

add below line in main.dart file after initilization of WEPersonalization method


then implement WECampaignCallback in _MyAppState Class

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> with WECampaignCallback {

  void onCampaignShown(data) {
    print("onCampaignShown $data");

  void onCampaignClicked(String actionId, String deepLink, data) {
    super.onCampaignClicked(actionId, deepLink, data);

  void onCampaignPrepared(data) {

  void onCampaignException(String? campaignId, String targetViewId, String error) {
    super.onCampaignException(campaignId, targetViewId, error);

Following are the callback methods available in WECampaignCallback
  • onCampaignPrepared: This is the first callback method that is triggered when data for the qualified campaign is retrieved from the WebEngage servers. You can also stop rendering the campaign by calling stopRendering() method of WECampaignData (generally this can come handy if you want to just retrieve some data and render on your own for layout. This will always be called for your templates (banner, text and custom).

  • onCampaignShown: When the SDK displays the Campaign on the screen, this callback is triggered. This will only be triggered for Banner and Text templates and not for Custom templates (since they are handled by your application). This callback will also not be triggered in cases where you have called stopRendering.

  • onCampaignClicked: This callback will get triggered when clicked on the campaign view rendered by the SDK. This will only be triggered for Banner and Text templates and not Custom templates (since they are handled by your application).

  • onCampaignException: This callback will get triggered when the campaign retrieval/showing will get failed.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:webengage_flutter/webengage_flutter.dart';
import 'package:we_personalization_flutter/WEPersonalization.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  MyAppState createState() => MyAppState();

class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> with WECampaignCallback{
  void initState() {
    WebEngagePlugin _webenagePlugin = WebEngagePlugin();
  void onCampaignShown(data) {
    print("onCampaignShown $data");

  void onCampaignClicked(String actionId, String deepLink, data) {
    super.onCampaignClicked(actionId, deepLink, data);

  void onCampaignPrepared(data) {

  void onCampaignException(String? campaignId, String targetViewId, String error) {
    super.onCampaignException(campaignId, targetViewId, error);


You will receive exception details in onCampaignException of WECampaignCallback & onPlaceholderException of WEPlaceholderCallback

Types of Exception:

Error KeyError Description
timeoutCampaign failed to render in set time.
missingTargetViewTarget property missing.
campaignFetchingFailedCampaign fetching failed.
resourceFetchingFailedResource fetching falied


You can access the Campaign Id and Placeholder details like name (id) and content. It consists of the following members

NameVariable typeDefinition
targetViewIdStringPlaceholder name (id).
contentWECampaignContentCampaign view content which contains custom key-value pairs.
campaignIdStringThe id for the running campaign on the placeholder. Default value would be blank.


Personalization SDK renders the Banner, Text view through this data. You can access the custom key-value pairs through this.

NameVariable typeDefinition
customDataHashMap <String, dynamic>Custom key-value pairs defined for the campaign.

Creating Custom Views

Custom View allows you to customize the layouts as per your use case. These are useful in case of creating a layout which is not available out of the box (for example. Carousels).

To implement WEInlineWidget without view i.e Custom View, add the below code after initState methods inside the Screen

val ID = WEPersonalization().registerWEPlaceholderCallback(
        placeholderCallback: this);

and in dispose method add below line


The Code will look like this for Custom View integration

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:we_personalization_flutter/WEPersonalization.dart';

class _CustomViewWidgetState extends State<CustomViewWidget>
    implements WEPlaceholderCallback {

  void initState() {
    id = WEPersonalization().registerWEPlaceholderCallback(
        placeholderCallback: this);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(

  void onDataReceived(WECampaignData data) {

  void dispose() {
    if (id != -1) {

  void onPlaceholderException(

  void onRendered(WECampaignData data) {}

Tracking Campaign Impressions and Clicked Events for Custom Views

For Custom Views, Personalization SDK will pass the custom data WECampaignData, which should be managed/rendered by your application only.


Please Note

Tracking Impression and tracking Clicks are mandatory steps for Custom view campaigns. If not added then Impression and Click data for these campaigns will not be recorded.

Record Viewed Impression

Impression tracking is simply tracking the number of views each campaign receives. For example, if a user visits the screen and sees a campaign and visits the screen again then they will see the exact same campaign again, two impressions would be counted.

Now, trackImpression will allow you to track impressions for your campaign. Kindly, use the mentioned method of WECampaignData once the custom view has been shown on the screen by the application.



WECampaignData will be received both in onDataReceived of WEPlaceholderCallback and onCampaignPrepared of WECampaignCallback.

//attributes: any custom Map<String, dynamic> of data you want to record with this event
//data: WECampaignData

Record Click Impression

You can track click impressions whenever the user clicks on the campaign view on the screen.

//attributes: any custom Map<String, dynamic> of data you want to record with this event
//data: WECampaignData
data.trackClick(map : attributes);