Cordova/ PhoneGap/ Ionic SDK

Changelogs 2023

SDK v1.2.0 (Dec 29, 2023)

  • Viber channel dependencies added.
  • GAID changes to support for Google Families Policy restriction where advertising ID cannot be tracked for users of unknown age and children.
  • Fixes and optimizations relation to In-app notifications.

Changelogs 2022

SDK v1.1.0 (August 19, 2022)

Changes with respect to Android 13 update:

  • Changes in relation to collecting Advertisement ID
  • Collecting Push opt-ins in run time through push permission pop-up

Changelogs 2021

SDK v1.0.5 (October 4, 2021)

  1. Gradle dependency update for google play services support.

SDK v1.0.4 (August 13, 2021)

  1. Push notification callback improvements
  2. In-app notification callback improvements

SDK v1.0.3 (July 30, 2021)

  1. Android push icon configurability support

SDK v1.0.1 (June 3, 2021)

  1. Deprecated UIWebView type check removed
  2. Updated Plugin to auto integrate WebEngage framework

Changelogs 2018

SDK v1.0.0 (Aug 14, 2018)

Removes we_config.xml and allows to add all the SDK configurations in the config.xml file.

Changelogs 2017

SDK v0.0.3 (Mar 7, 2017)

New Feature: Added implementation for `user.setAttribute with javascript object as value.

Change: Installation instructions for fetching dependencies.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed date formatting issue in iOS for devices with regions with default 12/24 hour format concerns.

  2. Fixed setAttribute (user) API for hashed_phone attribute. Was reporting email in iOS.

SDK v0.0.2 (Mar 5, 2017)

Minor Bug Fixes

SDK v0.0.1 (Mar 3, 2017)

New Features and Initial Release (Alpha)